
A repository to refresh my mind on Dagger 2, if you would like Repos with Hilt keep scrolling my Repos.

Primary LanguageKotlin


The App uses a set of Android Jetpack libraries plus Retrofit to dispay data from REST API(Unsplash) . The App uses Kotlin.


The project has all required dependencies in the gradle files. Add the Project to Android Studio or Intelij and build.All the required dependencies will be downloaded and installed.


The project uses MVVM architecture pattern.


  • ViewModel - Manage UI related data in a lifecycle conscious way and act as a channel between use cases and ui
  • DataBinding - support library that allows binding of UI components in layouts to data sources,binds character details and search results to UI
  • Navigation Component
    • Android Jetpack's Navigation component helps in implementing navigation between fragments
  • Dagger 2 - For Dependency Injection.
  • Paging 3 - Allow pagination of the Data.
  • Retrofit - To access the Rest Api
  • Kotlin Flow - To access data sequentially

