
SocialApp is a service with Nodejs Implemented based on microservice to allows CRUD operations and the retrieval of basic statistical data.


Use the node package manager [npm] to install SocialApp.

cd gateway 
npm install
npm start

cd users 
npm install 
npm start 

cd comments 
npm install 
npm start


  1. auto-bind : ^4.0.0
  2. axios : ^0.27.2
  3. proxy : ^1.0.2
  4. config : ^3.3.6
  5. debug : ^4.3.2
  6. express : ^4.18.1
  7. express-async-errors : ^3.1.1
  8. express-validator: ^6.14.2
  9. moment: ^2.29.4
  10. mongoose: ^6.4.3
  11. mongoose-timestamp: ^0.6.0
  12. morgan: ^1.10.0
  13. multer: ^1.4.5-lts.1
  14. path: ^0.12.7
  15. request: ^2.88.2
  16. winston: ^3.8.1
  17. xregexp: ^5.1.1
  18. body-parser: ^1.20.0

Services with routes

  1. Gateway Service http://localhost:8000
  2. Users Service http://localhost:8001
  3. Comments Service http://localhost:8002


  1. /users : Home of Users Service

    1. /manage

      1. get /:id getUserById
      2. post /add addUser
      3. patch /updateProfilePic/:id updateProfilePic
      4. delete /remove/:id removeUserById
      5. patch /editUsername/:id editUsernameById
    2. /contact

      1. patch /edit/:id editContactByUserId
      2. get /:id getContactByUserId
      3. delete /remove/:id removeContactByUserId
  2. /comments

    1. /manage
      1. post /add/:userId addComment
      2. delete /delete/:id deleteCommentById
      3. delete /deleteAll/:userId deleteAllCommentsByUserId
      4. patch /edit/:id editCommentById
      5. get /all/:userId getAllCommentsByUserId
      6. get /:id getCommentById