
A great starting point for building RESTful APIs in Go using Gin framework, connecting to Postgres with or without ORM, MongoDB and Redis, Authentication with JWTs

Primary LanguageGo

Go Boilerplate

A great starting point for building RESTful APIs in Go using Gin framework, connecting to a PostgreSQL database with both pure and gorm, MongoDB database, Redis database.


  • Implements the Clean Architecture pattern for a scalable and maintainable
  • Uses the Gin framework for efficient and fast handling of HTTP requests
  • Integrates with Gorm TypeOrm for powerful and flexible database operations (https://gorm.io/)
  • Integrates with MongoDb database
  • Integrates with Redis database
  • Uses Go Swag for Generating Rest Docs and Swagger panel (https://github.com/swaggo/swag)
  • Uses Air for live reload app (https://github.com/cosmtrek/air)
  • Supports JWT authentication with configurable expiration and issuer, allowing for flexible and secure authentication processes.

Getting Started

  • Go version 1.18.1 or higher

To get up and running with the Go-Boilerplate, follow these simple steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/Mehdikarimian/go-boilerplate
$ cd go-boilerplate
$ cp internal/config/.env.example internal/config/.env # create a copy of the example environment file, and also follow configuration steps on the difference section below
$ go src/main.go Or air


Generate Swagger doc files

$ swag init -d src/

File Structure

├── docs                                            # Document for swagger.
├── src                                             # 
│   ├── common                                      # Common Types And Struct.
|   │        └── controller.go                      # Base Controller Structure Type.
│   │        └── model.go                           # Base Model Structure Type.
|   ├── config                                      # Configs
|   |        └── config.go                          # Base Config Module and Env Init.
│   └── controllers                                 # Controllers
│   │         └── articles.controllers.go           # Article Controller (example).
│   │         └── base.go                           # Base Controller Structure.
│   │         └── products.controllers.go           # Products Controller (example).
│   │         └── swagger.controllers.go            # Swagger Controller
│   │         └── users.controllers.go              # Users Controller (example).
│   │         └── auth.controllers.go               # Auth Controller.
│   │                                               #
│   └── middleware                                  # Middlewares
│   │         └── jwt.middleware.go                 # jwt Middlewares.
|   |                                               #
│   ├── core                                        # Core Configures
│   │   └── db                                      # Db Configures 
│   │       └── gorm.go                             # Gorm (Golang Typeorm) Configure File 
│   │       └── mongo.go                            # MongoDb Configure File
│   │       └── postgres.go                         # PostgresSQL Configure File
│   │       └── redis.go                            # Redis Configure File
│   │                                               #
│   ├── models                                      # Models
│   │   └── base.go                                 # Base Model Structure.
│   │   └── article.model.go                        # Article Model (example).
│   │   └── cache.model.go                          # Cache Model (example).
│   │   └── product.model.go                        # Product Model (example).
│   │   └── user.model.go                           # User Model (example).
│   │   └── auth.model.go                           # Auth Model.
│   │                                               #
│   ├── utils                                       # Utils.
│   │   └── http.go                                 # Http Utils
│   │   └── token.go                                # Token Utils
│   │                                               #
│   ├── main.go                                     # Main File.
│   │                                               #
├── .env.example                                    # Enviroment Example File
├── Dockerfile                                      # Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml                              # docker compose file
├── .air.toml                                       # air configure
└── ...