Image Gallery

Welcome to Image Gallery - My ultimate solution for managing and organizing images effortlessly! This intuitive image gallery application allows you to view, select, reorder, and upload images seamlessly. Dive in and experience the ease of image management.

Table of Contents

* Getting Started
* Usage
* Features
* Technologies Used

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have the following requirements installed:

+ Node.js
+ npm or Yarn


Get started by exploring the following features:

* Image Gallery: View images in a grid layout for easy browsing.
* Image Selection: Click on images to select or deselect them.
* Image Reordering: Drag and drop images to rearrange their order effortlessly.
* Image Upload: Add new images to the gallery by uploading files.


* Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience on various devices and screen sizes.
* Interactive UI: Intuitive interface for smooth navigation and interaction.
* Dynamic Reordering: Rearrange images dynamically with the power of drag-and-drop functionality.
* Effortless Upload: Easily upload new images to the gallery for instant organization.

Technologies Used

* React: JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces.
* Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for designing responsive and stylish layouts.