
CPU SCHEDULING VISUALISATION - This is an attempt at simulating CPU Scheduling algorithms - FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority Scheduling.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is an attempt at simulating CPU Scheduling algorithms - FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority Scheduling.


We developed a CPU Scheduling algorithm visualizer as a part of Operating systems course with a project partner. Simulated few algorithms namely First come first serve, Shortest Job first, Round robin, Priority Non-Preemptive, Priority preemptive.

For FCFS , SJF and round robin we get the arrival time, and the burst time and we compute the Turn around time and Waiting time using the JavaScript code written for the same. For priority scheduling it is necessary to get input of priority as well, we compute the turn around and waiting time for the same.

We have also simulated the gaant chart, which is used to represent CPU scheduling in graphical view that help to track specific CPU utilization factor like throughput, waiting time, turnaround time. For all the implemented algorithms, scripts are written to represent the gaant chart for better understanding of the simulated algorithms




  • A Special Thanks to Ramyaa P for her valuable contributions in designing and UI
  • Also big thanks to Sudarsan Kumar N for his worthy contributions in adding few features.