
A low level, lightweight discord API library.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


lacord is a small discord library providing low level clients for the discord rest and gateway API. All data is given to the user as raw JSON.

Documentation is sparsely provided in the form of LDoc comments which can be processed into a document using LDoc. There's hand written documentation in markdown format here which can be viewed online here.


This example sends lines inputed at the terminal to discord over a supplied webhook.

local api = require"lacord.api"
local cqs = require"cqueues"
local errno = require"cqueues.errno"
local thread = require"cqueues.thread"
local logger = require"lacord.util.logger"
local webhook = require"lacord.cli".webhook

local webhook_id, webhook_token = webhook:match"^(.+):(.+)$"

local loop = cqs.new()

local discord = api.new_webhook(webhook_id,webhook_token)

local function starts(s, prefix)
    return s:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix

local function suffix(s, pre)
    local len = #pre
    return s:sub(1, len) == pre and s:sub(len + 1) or s

local thr, con = thread.start(function(con)
    print"Write messages to send over the webhook here!"
    for input in io.stdin:lines() do
        if input == ":quit" then break end
        con:write(input, "\n")

    local username = "lacord webhook example"
    for line in con:lines() do
        if starts(line, ":") then
            if starts(line, ":username ") then
                username = suffix(line, ":username ")
            local success = discord:execute_webhook{
                content = line,
                username = username,
            if not success then io.stdin:write":quit" break end

    local ok, why = thr:join()

    if not ok then logger.error("error in reader thread (%s, %q)", why, errno.strerror(why)) end


CDN Client Example

local cqs = require"cqueues"
local api = require"lacord.api"
local cdn = require"lacord.cdn"
local util = require"lacord.util"

local loop = cqs.new()

local discord_api = api.init{
    token = "Bot "..require"lacord.cli".token
   ,accept_encoding = true
   ,track_ratelimits = false
   ,route_delay = 0

local a_cdn = cdn.new{
    accept_encoding = true

    local success, data =  discord_api:get_current_user()
    if success then
        local avatar = a_cdn:get_user_avatar(data.id, data.avatar, 'png')
        local fname, content = util.blob_for_file(avatar, "avatar")
        local fd<close> = io.open(fname, "wb")



This project depends on lua-http and thus cqueues. This means that you must be able to install cqueues on your platform.

You can consult the respective projects for detailed instructions but as a general guide the following tools/libraries should be installed and available on your system:

  • m4
  • awk
  • zlib-dev
  • libssl-dev (or equiv.)¹

Once you have the pre-requisites in order you can install this library with luarocks:

  • Directly luarocks install lacord
  • Via this repository
    • git clone https://github.com/Mehgugs/lacord.git && cd lacord
    • optionally checkout a specific commit
    • luarocks make

Slash Commands

This library provides support for slash commands naturally over the gateway and also provides a https server module under lacord.outoing-webhook-server for interfacing with discord over outgoing webhook. When using this method there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • You must use TLS. By default this module accepts two file paths after the server options table. The first one should be your full certificate chain in pem format and the second should be your private key in pem format. Should you wish to do more advanced TLS configuration, you can attach a ctx object to the options under .ctx. If you are using an external service to provide TLS upstream (e.g an nginx reverse proxy), you can forcefully disable TLS by setting .tls to false.

  • The first argument, the options table, is passed to http.server.listen. So please refer to the http library docs for a full list of network options. In addition to the http library's fields, the following are expected:

    • The string field route is the path component of the URL you configure your application to use. In the URL https://example.com/interactions this would be /interactions. Once again if you're redirecting traffic to lacord from an external service make sure the path is adjusted if necessary.
    • The function field interact is called when a discord interaction event is received by the webhook. The first argument is the json object payload discord sent, the next argument is the https response object. Return a valid json object from the function to send it to discord; if you do not it will respond with 500. Any error in this function is caught and will respond with 503, logging the message internally. You can also manipulate the response object to set the body directly, but this should be avoided unless necessary.
    • The function field fallthrough receives a response object, and is called with any other request (i.e requests to paths other than the route).
    • The string field public_key is your application's public key, necessary for signature verification.

Here is a minimal example of configuration:

local server = require"lacord.outgoing-webhook-server"

local function interact(event, resp)
    if event.data.command == "hello" then
        return {
            type = 4,
            data = {
                content = "Hello, world!"
        resp:set_code_and_reply(404, "Command not found.", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8")

local loop = server.new({
    public_key = os.getenv"PUBLIC_KEY",
    fallthrough = function(resp) resp:set_code_and_reply(404, "Page not found.", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8") end,
    interact = interact,
    host = "localhost",
    port = 8888,
    route = "/interactions"


The loop object has .cq field which can be used to :wrap asynchronous code.


Note 1

I would recommend manually installing openssl with a version in the current stable series. At the time of writing this is the 1.1.1 series.