
Lua bindings to utf8proc.

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Lunicode 🌜

Lua bindings to utf8proc.

More functions will be added as I need them.


table metadata

  • string utf8proc_version The version of utf8proc lunicode has loaded.
  • string unicode_version The version of unicode utf8proc is using.

boolean is_valid(n)

Checks whether n is a valid codepoint using utf8proc_codepoint_valid.

string map(string, options)

Performs the utf8proc mapping operation. This decomposes the input with respect to options provided and then re-encodes it as a utf8 string.

  • string string
  • table (set) options This should be a set which can have any of the utf8proc_option_t names as keys.

string normalize(string, mode)

Performs a map using options suitable for unicode normalization.

  • string string
  • string (normalization mode) mode Optionally one of: NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD. If no argument is passed NFC is used.

integer (utf8proc_category_t) category(codepoint)

Gets the Unicode category for the given codepoint.

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint

string (unicode category) category_string(codepoint)

Gets the two character Unicode category signifier for the given codepoint.

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint

boolean, integer (state) grapheme_break(codepoint_1, codepoint_2, state)

Given a pair of consecutive codepoints, return whether a grapheme break is permitted between them (as defined by the extended grapheme clusters in UAX#29). See below for an example of how to use this function.

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint_1

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint_2 The codepoint adjacent to codepoint_1 in the string.

  • integer state Due to Unicode 9.0.0, this algorithm requires state to break graphemes. This state can be passed in as an integer which should be initialized to 0.

table (utf8proc_property_t) properties(codepoint)

Returns a table containing the fields of the given codepoint's utf8proc_property_t struct.

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint

integer|boolean property(codepoint, field)

Returns a field from the given codepoint's utf8proc_property_t struct.

  • integer (codepoint) codepoint
  • string field? A field you wish to select, if you do not provide a field the function returns the category field.

Iterating over the graphemes in a string:

This example can probably be tuned into a much more efficient procedure but this is written as such to illustrate the principle.

local wrap  = coroutine.wrap
local yield = coroutine.yield

local insert = table.insert
local unpack = table.unpack

local codes = utf8.codes
local char  = utf8.char

local lunicode = require"lunicode"

local grapheme_break = lunicode.grapheme_break

local graphemes do
  local function graphemes_iterator(string)
    local collection = {}
    local n, state = 0, 0
    local broken
    for position, code in codes(string) do
      if position == 1 then goto continue end

      broken, state = grapheme_break(collection[n], code, state)

      if broken then
        yield(char(unpack(collection, 1, n)))
        collection = {}
        n = 0

      insert(collection, code)
      n = n + 1

  function graphemes(string) return wrap(graphemes_iterator), string end

-- The above function should illustrate how to use the information returned by grapheme_break, when given codepoints and the state.

-- For those curious, a 'cuter' way to achieve an iterator would be the following code below:

local function graphemes_cute(str)
    return lunicode.map(str, {CHARBOUND = true}):gmatch("[^\xFF]+")