
Zig bindings for the Lua C API

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shield showing current tests status

A Zig module that provides a complete and lightweight wrapper around the Lua C API. Ziglua currently supports the latest releases of Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 and targets Zig master. The zig-0.10.0 branch supports the latest stable Zig, but will only be updated with bugfixes.

Ziglua can be used in two ways, either

  • embedded to statically embed the Lua VM in a Zig program,
  • or as a shared module to create Lua libraries that can be loaded at runtime in other Lua-based software.

In both cases, Ziglua will compile Lua from source and link against your Zig code making it easy to create software that integrates with Lua without requiring any system Lua libraries.

Like the Lua C API, the Ziglua API "emphasizes flexibility and simplicity... common tasks may involve several API calls. This may be boring, but it gives us full control over all the details" (Programming In Lua 4th Edition). However, Ziglua takes advantage of Zig's features to make it easier and safer to interact with the Lua API.

Why use Ziglua?

In a nutshell, Ziglua is a simple wrapper around the C API you would get by using Zig's @cImport(). Ziglua aims to mirror the Lua C API as closely as possible, while improving ergonomics using Zig's features. For example:

  • Zig error unions to require failure state handling
  • Null-terminated slices instead of C strings
  • Type-checked enums for parameters and return values
  • Compiler-enforced checking of optional pointers
  • Better types in many cases (e.g. bool instead of int)

While there are some helper functions added to complement the C API, Ziglua aims to remain low-level. This allows full access to the Lua API through a layer of Zig's improvements over C.


The API and tests for all versions of Lua are complete. Documentation is work in progress.

API Tests Docs
Lua 5.1
Lua 5.2
Lua 5.3
Lua 5.4

I first implemented the Lua 5.4 API, then copied the code and edited for the other Lua versions. I have done my best to ensure accuracy, but if you find any errors please submit an issue or a pull request!

Getting Started

Currently the Zig package manager is in flux and things may change a lot. This may not be the "best" way, but here's the current install instructions.

First add this repo as a git submodule, or copy the source into your project (one day the Zig package manager will make this easier). Then add the following to your build.zig file (assuming cloned/copied into a lib/ subdirectory):

// use the path to the Ziglua build.zig file
const ziglua = @import("lib/ziglua/build.zig");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    exe.addModule("ziglua", ziglua.compileAndCreateModule(b, exe, .{}));

This will compile the Lua C sources and statically link with your project. Then simply import the ziglua package into your code. Here is a simple example that pushes and inspects an integer on the Lua stack:

const std = @import("std");
const ziglua = @import("ziglua");

const Lua = ziglua.Lua;

pub fn main() anyerror!void {
    // Create an allocator
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    // Initialize the Lua vm
    var lua = try Lua.init(allocator);
    defer lua.deinit();

    // Add an integer to the Lua stack and retrieve it
    std.debug.print("{}\n", .{try lua.toInteger(1)});

See docs.md for documentation and detailed examples of using Ziglua.


Please make suggestions, report bugs, and create pull requests. Anyone is welcome to contribute!


Thanks to the following sources:

  • zoltan for insights into compiling Lua with Zig
  • zig-autolua for help on writing an alloc function
  • mach-glfw for inspiration on a clean build.zig

And finally Lua. Thank you to the Lua team for creating and sharing such a great language!