
This function I wrote performs the image and txt saving process. You can also use this function on a model you have trained before. If your model works well enough, it will easily detect the images and record the labels. You can edit the recorded data and train with your new data quickly.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Auto labeling on your pre-trained model

This function I wrote performs the image and txt saving process. You can also use this function on a model you have trained before. If your model works well enough, it will easily detect the images and record the labels. You can edit the recorded data and train with your new data quickly.

How to use

You need to run this script like that python auto_label.py

You need to edit the codes in auto_label.py line according to yourself.

specify the yolo weights and config files you trained before.

7. weightsPath = "yolov4-obj_last.weights"
8. configPath = "yolov4-obj.cfg"

Specify the video path you want to test.

14. cap = cv2.VideoCapture('2.mp4')

then you need to edit the following lines in yolov4_pred.py

Size should be changed according to your config file

8. model.setInputParams(size=(608, 608), scale=1/255, swapRB=True)

Edit them according to your class labels.

13.  LABELS = [ 'class_name1',

that's all, if your model predicts well enough, it will predict and start labeling. After the process is finished, you can check the labels with a labeling program and edit them again.

You can see how the program works in the gif below.

into gif


A folder named image and txt will be created. after again a folder will be created in it as well as the current date and the predicted images and txts will be placed there. there is a sample folder named image and txt you can check it.