Yolov8 Region Createable and Moveable Count Objects

  • Create Regions


| s + enter   | Create polygon boxs         |
| m           | Move a polygon box          |
| q           | close the video             |

How to Run

# If you want to save results
python yolov8_region_counter.py --source "path/to/video.mp4" --save-img --view-img

# If you want to run model on CPU
python yolov8_region_counter.py --source "path/to/video.mp4" --save-img --view-img --device cpu

# If you want to change model file
python yolov8_region_counter.py --source "path/to/video.mp4" --save-img --weights "path/to/model.pt"

# If you dont want to save results
python yolov8_region_counter.py --source "path/to/video.mp4" --view-img

Usage Options

  • --source: Specifies the path to the video file you want to run inference on.
  • --device: Specifies the device cpu or 0
  • --save-img: Flag to save the detection results as images.
  • --weights: Specifies a different YOLOv8 model file (e.g., yolov8n.pt, yolov8s.pt, yolov8m.pt, yolov8l.pt, yolov8x.pt).
  • --line-thickness: Specifies the bounding box thickness
  • --region-thickness: Specifies the region boxes thickness
  • --track-thickness: Specifies the track line thickness

Where Can I Access Additional Information?
