#Currency Convertion App by Mehmet Ali Seçgin
Usage: after downloading the code, simply run the "CurrencyApplication.java" file. I'm using Java Spring Boot and ThymeLeaf for visualizing.
localhost:8080/ directs you to the form.
Input the currencies you want to convert from-to and the amount. The site will redirect you to another page called localhost:8080/exchange
If you want to change the intermediary currencies, you can add currencies as parameters: "?inter=RUB,TRY,JPY"
By default, program Converts 100 USD to EUR using the intermediary currencies: "SGD", "MYR", "RUB", "SEK", "AUD", "JPY", "TRY", "HKD", "CAD", "INR"
Program might be slow because of the free Currency Converter API I'm using.
Here's the link for the api Rapidapi.com My API key is in the code.
For more detailed instruction for the code, please contact me by:
Phone | +372 5474 0324 |
mehmetascgn@gmail.com |
LinkedIn Link | Link |