
User-based and Item-based Collabrative Filtering Recommendation System

Primary LanguagePython

Subject: User-based and item-based collabrative filtering recommendation system

Purpose of the project:

The rapid growth of data collection has led to a new era of information. Data is being used to create more efficient systems and this is where Recommendation Systems come into play. Recommendation Systems are a type of information filtering systems as they improve the quality of search results and provides items that are more relevant to the search item or are realted to the search history of the user. They are used to predict the rating or preference that a user would give to an item. In this project, our purpose is creating a recommendation system that predict all movies in test dataset based on user-based or item-based collabrative filtering.

Collabrative Filtering:

The recommendations get filtered based on the collaboration between similar user’s or item’s of preferences. If there is collaboration between similar user’s , that is user-based collabrative filtering. If there is collaboration between similar item’s , that is item-based collabrative filtering. In codes, there is the process that is user-based or item-based according to user that use the this python program. If the user selects item-based, the program will calculate cosine similarity. This calculation process imported sklearn library because improved libraries ,like sklearn , works/calculates better. Thus, results will be more correct. If the user selects user-based, the program will calculate pearson correlation. Due to the same reason, the calculation pearson correlation process imported sklearn library,too.


After remove timestamp column in dataset:

Number of users = 943 | Number of movies = 1682

      | user_id         |	item_id            |       rating |
  • count | 100000.00000 | 100000.000000 | 100000.000000 |
  • mean | 462.48475 | 425.530130 | 3.529860 |
  • std | 266.61442 | 330.798356 | 1.125674 |
  • min | 1.00000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
  • 25% | 254.00000 | 175.000000 | 3.000000 |
  • 50% | 447.00000 | 322.000000 | 4.000000 |
  • 75% | 682.00000 | 631.000000 | 4.000000 |
  • max | 943.00000 | 1682.000000 | 5.000000 |

First 10 data

  • | user_id    | item_id   | rating|
  •   | 196      	| 242        	| 3 
  •   | 186      	| 302        	| 3
  •    | 22      	| 377        	| 1
  •   | 244       	| 51         	| 2
  •   | 166      	| 346        	| 1
  •   | 298      	| 474        	| 4
  •   | 115      	| 265        	| 2
  •   | 253      	| 465        	| 5
  •   | 305     	| 451        	| 3
  •    | 6       	| 86         	| 3

Experimental methodology

k-fold cross validation: It is one of the methods of separating the data set into parts for evaluating the classification models and traning the model. On the program, the user determines how many parts the data set will be split, from four to ten and all proccesses will be execute for each separated step. The the evaluation metric results that calculated are print for each separated step, too.

Experimental results

The Evaluation Metrics

MAE – Mean Absolute Error and MSE – Mean Squared Error

User-based and k-folds is 5:

  • user-based mean absolute error: 0.26354618616064834

  • user-based mean squared error: 0.24715690635726056

  • user-based mean absolute error: 0.2616453043336475

  • user-based mean squared error: 0.2413300039544679

  • user-based mean absolute error: 0.2622214486773795

  • user-based mean squared error: 0.24009493408960378

  • user-based mean absolute error: 0.2624899715353472

  • user-based mean squared error: 0.24091205709521285

  • user-based mean absolute error: 0.26393237117550233

  • user-based mean squared error: 0.2452751756722422

  • General Mean MAE for all iterations: 0.262767056376505

  • General Mean MSE for all iterations: 0.24295381543375746

Item-based and k-folds is 3:

  • item-based mean absolute error: 0.20001769084087828
  • item-based mean squared error: 0.2917242378634789
  • item-based mean absolute error: 0.20055983528084426
  • item-based mean squared error: 0.2888718814106754
  • item-based mean absolute error: 0.19904607496183885
  • item-based mean squared error: 0.28590201282253763
  • General Mean MAE for all iterations: 0.19987453369452046
  • General Mean MSE for all iterations: 0.28883271069889727

