Quality Assurance material

Software Quality Assurance - BASICS

Software testing

What is quality?

Anything that creates comfortability for the end-user could be termed quality.

Testing types?

  • Manual Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Levels of testing

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • User acceptance testing -UAT
  • Regression testing
  • System testing

  • Grapic User Interface testing
  • Functional testing
  • Non-functional testing
  • Usability testing
  • Functional testing

  • Object properties testing
  • Database testing
  • Error handling testing
  • Calculation/ manupulation testing
  • link testing
  • Cookies and Session testing
  • Non-functional testing

  • Load testing
  • Stress testing
  • Example - Sudden Sale in shopping sites

  • Security testing
  • Recovery testing
  • Installation testing
  • Sanity / Garbage testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • User acceptance testing -UAT

  • Alpha testing
  • Beta testing testing
  • Alpha testing is performed by devloper and tester.

    Smoke testing

    It is performed to check that major functionalities of software are working fine and there are no showstoppers


  • New
  • Assigned
  • Duplicated
  • Rejected
  • Deferred
  • Open
  • Rejected
  • ReOpen
  • Close

  • image

    Structural database testing

    Validation of database servers is an important consideration in this kind of testing

    Schema testing

    Validation of mapping of backend and frontend. The mapping of backend and frontend for tables, columns and views etc should be similar.

    Bug reporting

    An unexpected behaviour of application is considered as bug, like successful login of an application for invalid credentails is considered as bug and it is reported to developer by tester. There are many tools used for bug reporting and few are mentioned below

  • Excel shheets
  • Jira
  • trello
  • Excel sheets are an out-dated approach used for bug reporting. And it is not recommended as it is not a good approach. In excel, tester mentions test case id, test case, description, actual result, expected result and test case status. And, it is a tedious task and is not a good approach


    Jira is an open source tool usd for bug logging and project management. It is most commonly used by developers and testers because of its usability. Tester should report a bug with complete details like screenshots, videos, actual and expected result for better understanding of devloper


    Trello boards are also used for bug reporting and project management