Python Crash Course—An Introduction to Spreadsheet Users

This repository is the accompanying repository for the Python Crash Course live training. You can find the dataset used in the data folder, and the images used in this training in the assets folder.

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Python Crash Course—An Introduction to Spreadsheet Users

Key session takeaways

  • Import data into Python using pandas — Python’s most popular data analysis package.
  • Filter, add new columns, and analyse datasets using pandas.
  • Present data visualizations using matplotlib and seaborn — Python's most popular data visualization packages.

The Dataset

The dataset to be used in this training is a CSV file named airbnb.csv, which contains data on airbnb listings in the state of New York. It contains the following columns:

  • listing_id: The unique identifier for a listing
  • description: The description used on the listing
  • host_id: Unique identifier for a host
  • neighbourhood_full: Name of boroughs and neighbourhoods
  • coordinates: Coordinates of listing (latitude, longitude)
  • listing_added: Date of added listing
  • room_type: Type of room
  • rating: Rating from 0 to 5.
  • price: Price per night for listing
  • number_of_reviews: Amount of reviews received
  • reviews_per_month: Number of reviews per month
  • availability_365: Number of days available per year
  • number_of_stays: Total number of stays thus far

Questions to answer

  • Question 1: What is the distribution of price per room type?
  • Question 2: What is the number of listings per borough?
  • Question 3: What is the number of listings per year?
  • Question 4: What is the number of listings per year in each borough?