
If you're into gardening, flowers, plants, or sell related products, this template is suitable for you. So, make use of it ♥️🌱

Primary LanguageSCSS


If you're into gardening, flowers, plants, or sell related products, this template is suitable for you. So, make use of it ♥️🌱

screencapture-mehrsa-mohajeri-developer-github-io-Landscape-Template-2023-09-27-18_35_30 (1)

  • 🔗 Demo Project

  • 👩🏻‍💻 Developed by Mehrsa Mohajeri

  • 📆 Created: 2023-09-24

  • ✔️ Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, SASS, Flex

  • 💥 Role: Front-End

  • 📲 How to reach me: With My INSTAGRAM And LINKEDIN