Asos (Online clothes purchasing platform) is an javaScript application designed to provide customers with a personalized easy-to-utilize user experience for purchasing clothes online. It stores customers' personal data and orders.
It has 4 modules Admin, User, Add to Cart, Checkout.
ASOS application was built during the construct week at Masai School. Completed the project in five days with a team of five aspiring developers.
- User authentication
- Admin can provide details like product name, price, image
- Admin can add and remove the products shown to user
- User can register by giving all the details
- User can order products of its choice
- JavaScript
- Git & GitHub
- Login Logout Module
- Admin Module
- User Module
- Cart Module
- Place order Module
- Checkout Module
- Gain excessive knowledge on application of JavaScript and DOM manipulation
- Gain knowledge on using API.
- Got to know how to collabrate with team members.
- Enjoyed the process of learning and creating the application.
Github: Mehul-Kanjariya (Teamlead) Worked on Landing Page and Admin Module
Github: Devangbramhakshatriya Worked on Admin and User module
Github: aniketkolhe43 Worked on Navbar and Login Logout Module
Github: sumitsagar123 Worked on Login Logout Module
Github: sourabhpatel073 Worked on Place order and Checkout Module