
Librarian is generate notice that library used in gradle module

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


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Librarian is generate notice that library used in gradle module

Librarian focuses on:

  • Aggregate artifacts as Group by same library
  • Accurately aggregate the library
  • Automation as much as possible with prepared preset information
  • Aggregate configurations as Page, generate multiple notice files

Table of Contents


  • Gradle 5.5 or over
  • (if you develop Android app) Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin 3.5 or over

Upgrade Gradle version

  1. open project folder
  2. move gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
  3. upgrade gradle version
    • for example: distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-5.5.1-all.zip

Getting started


Librarian is published on GitHub Packages and Bintray. So you choice maven repository.

using Bintray:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/meilcli/librarian" }

using GitHub Packages:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/MeilCli/Librarian"
            credentials {
                username System.getenv("GITHUB_USER")
                password System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") // token has permission of read:packages

And set classpath:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "net.meilcli.librarian:plugin-core:VERSION" // replace VERSION
        classpath "net.meilcli.librarian:plugin-preset:VERSION" // replace VERSION

And apply plugin your project:

apply plugin: 'librarian'
apply plugin: 'librarian-preset'



librarian {
    dataFolderName = "Library" // String, default value is Library
    depth = "firstLevel" // String, firstLevel or allLevel, default value is firstLevel
    failOnGeneratePageWhenFoundPlaceholder = true // Boolean, default value is true
    failOnOverrideUnMatchedLicense = true // Boolean, default value is true
    failOnTooManyResolvingConfigurationLimit = 1000 // Int, default value is 1000
    useBintray = false // Boolean, default value is false
    ignoreArtifacts = [] // Array of String

    pages {
        "plugin-core-usings-plugin" { // page name, must be unique
            title = "Librarian plugin-core's using libraries" // String?, default value is same the name
            description = null // String?, default value is null
            markdown = true // Boolean, default value is null
            markdownFileName = "README.md" // String, default value is README.md
            json = true // Boolean, default value is null
            jsonFileName = "notices.json" // String, default value is notices.json
            jsonAdditionalOutputPath = null // File, default is null
            configurations {
                exact {
                    value = [""] // Array of String
                contain {
                    value = [""]
                exact { value = [""] } // exact and contain can be multiple
            additionalNotices {
                "AdditionalNotice" { // Notice name
                    artifacts = ["text:com"] // Array of String, default is empty
                    author = "Tester" // String, default is empty, must set value
                    url = "https://google.com" // String, default is empty, must set value
                    description = "" // String?, default value is null
                    licenses {
                        "MIT" { // License name, must set value
                            url = "https://google.com" // String, default is empty, must set value

    groups {
        "Kotlin" { // group name, must be unique
            artifacts = [
            ] // Array of String, default is empty list
            author = null // String?, default value is null
            url = null // String?, default value is null
            description = null // String?, default value is null
            licenseName = null // String?, default value is null
            licenseUrl = null // String?, default value is null
path summary
librarian.dataFolderName output root folder name
librarian.depth search dependency depth, firstLevel find your directly dependency
librarian.failOnGeneratePageWhenFoundPlaceholder fail on librarianGeneratePages when found placeholder
librarian.failOnOverrideUnMatchedLicense fail on override un matched license by group
librarian.failOnTooManyResolvingConfigurationLimit fail limit that resolving configurations too many, multi module project will be increase exponentially
librarian.useBintray if true, actually use Bintray api at librarianGenerateBintrayGroups task, this feature is alpha
librarian.ignoreArtifacts ignore notice of maven artifact, ignore by prefix match

Generate Notice Page

  1. install Librarian
  2. configure your project, put pages
    • librarianShowConfigurations task helps when configure your project
  3. set false to librarian.failOnGeneratePageWhenFoundPlaceholder
  4. execute librarianGeneratePresetPipeline task
  5. if console output error or incomplete result, configure your project that put groups
  6. set true to librarian.failOnGeneratePageWhenFoundPlaceholder
  7. execute librarianGeneratePresetPipeline task

Android Viewer

Librarian is prepared Android Viewer library

  • ui-core: core of UI, including some interface, NoticesView and NoticeView
  • ui-activity: wrap of core, for easily usage of Activity
  • ui-fragment: wrap of core, for easily usage of Fragment
  • ui-serializer-**: serializer implementation of some Json Serializer Library

Getting started of ui-activity

install UI Library:

dependencies {
    implementation "net.meilcli.librarian:ui-activity:VERSION" // replace VERSION
    implementation "net.meilcli.librarian:ui-serializer-kotlin:VERSION" // replace VERSION and serializer

configure Librarian:

apply plugin: 'librarian'
apply plugin: 'librarian-preset'

librarian {
    pages {
        "sample-from-maven" {
            title = "Using Libraries"
            description = "sample-from-maven is using this libraries."
            configurations {
                contain {
                    value = [
            jsonAdditionalOutputPath = file("src/main/assets/notices.json")

register activity:

    <!-- Replace your NoActionBar style -->
        android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar" />
        android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar" />

register listener:

button.setOnClickListener {
    startActivity(NoticesActivity.createIntent(this, NoticesReader(), "notices.json"))


  • KotlinX Serialization: ui-serializer-kotlin
  • Moshi: ui-serializer-moshi
  • Gson: ui-serializer-gson



Create Viewer

See Create Own Viewer


About the mechanism of page configuration

Librarian can select configurations that including dependencies to notify on every page

in normal case, project has some configurations such as:

  • implementationDependenciesMetadata
  • testImplementationDependenciesMetadata
  • classpath
  • etc..

the dependencies block configuration adds dependencies to these configurations. you can see configurations that has dependencies by librarianShowConfigurations task

add configuration names that want to notify at page to pages.configurations block. in normal case, you can use contain block

in nested module case, you can set exact configuration name order, and librarianShowFilteredDependencyGraph task show configuration name order

example table:

configurations contain("releaseRuntimeClasspath", "apiDependenciesMetadata") exact("releaseRuntimeClasspath", "apiDependenciesMetadata")
releaseRuntimeClasspath => releaseApiDependenciesMetadata
releaseRuntimeClasspath => releaseRuntimeClasspath
releaseRuntimeClasspath => apiDependenciesMetadata
  • contain: whether configuration names is contained in value
  • exact: whether configuration names is equaled to value

Add android dynamic feature module dependency notices

in the case of android dynamic feature module, dependency graph is different from normal case

dynamic feature module configuration names is the starting point about releaseReverseMetadataValues(different every build flavor)

see sample: sample/sample-dynamic-app

Cannot auto generate because Librarian dose not infer some information

Sometimes, Librarian dose not infer Library information when not enough pom file

You can compensate information by using Library groups. Library groups is prepared originally for aggregation artifacts, but can use as to override information your hand


librarian {
    groups {
        "Kotlin" { // group name, must be unique
            artifacts = [
            ] // Array of String, default is empty list
            author = null // String?, default value is null
            url = null // String?, default value is null
            description = null // String?, default value is null
            licenseName = null // String?, default value is null
            licenseUrl = null // String?, default value is null

Or, can request preset here

Add image resource license notice

Sometimes, developers must notify image resource licence or else. Librarian can add notice apart from maven artifact

example of Material design icons:

librarian {
    pages {
        "example" { // page name
            additionalNotices {
                "Material design icons" { // Notice name
                    artifacts = []
                    author = "Google Inc."
                    url = "https://github.com/google/material-design-icons"
                    description = "Material Design icons by Google" // optional
                    licenses {
                        "Apache License 2.0" {
                            url = "https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE"

Cannot resolve pom file

Sometimes, Librarian cannot resolve pom file. In most cases it's because Maven Repository URL is not set to module's build.gradle.

Librarian task aggregate root build.gradle's buildscript. in time, if it is only set to root build.gradle's buildscript, problems will occur.

GitHub Actions

if you use GitHub Actions, recommend use GitHub Packages when CI Build

switch maven repository by environment variables:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        def githubUser = System.getenv("GITHUB_USER")
        def githubToken = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
        if (githubUser != null && githubToken != null) {
            maven {
                url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/MeilCli/Librarian"
                credentials {
                    username githubUser
                    password githubToken
        } else {
            maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/meilcli/librarian" }

set environment your workflow

      GITHUB_USER: "github-bot"
      GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Auto Generate Notice Page and Create Pull Request

using peter-evans/create-pull-request example:

name: CI

      - '*'
      - '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_USER: "github-bot"
      GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: 1.8
      - name: Grant permission
        run: chmod +x gradlew
      - run: ./gradlew librarianGeneratePresetPipeline
      - name: Create Pull Request
        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v2
          commit-message: "update library notices"
          title: "update library notices"


see Contributing.md. if you think to report issue, select Issue Template


Librarian is MIT License

Using Libraries

Each notices is located in the Library folder

artifact name including binary libraries using when developing
plugin-core plugin-core-usings-plugin plugin-core-usings-development
plugin-preset plugin-preset-usings-plugin plugin-preset-usings-development
ui-core ui-core-usings-library ui-core-usings-development
ui-activity ui-activity-usings-library ui-activity-usings-development
ui-fragment ui-fragment-usings-library ui-fragment-usings-development
ui-serializer-kotlin ui-serializer-kotlin-usings-library ui-serializer-kotlin-usings-development
ui-serializer-moshi ui-serializer-moshi-usings-library ui-serializer-moshi-usings-development
ui-serializer-gson ui-serializer-gson-usings-library ui-serializer-gson-usings-development