Wrap of aurelia-template-lint as a simple gulp plugin in order to sanity check html
Note: node.js 6 is required. There is currently an issue in trying to install some aurelia dependencies in node.js 4.
npm install gulp-aurelia-template-lint --save-dev
var gulp = require('gulp');
var linter = require('gulp-aurelia-template-lint');
var config = new (require('aurelia-template-lint').Config);
/// opt-in to static type checks:
//config.useRuleAureliaBindingAccess = true;
//config.reflectionOpts.sourceFileGlob = "src/**/*.ts";
gulp.task('default', function () {
return gulp.src('**/*.html')
gulp.task('with-custom-config', function () {
return gulp.src('**/*.html')
gulp.task('with-custom-reporter', function () {
return gulp.src('**/*.html')
.pipe(linter(config, (error, file)=>{}))
Icon courtesy of The Noun Project