Ansible Aruba Switching Automation Workflow GitHub
Welcome to the Aruba Switching Automation Workflow GitHub for automation with Ansible! This repository uses Ansible tasks lists, SSH modules, and the Aruba Switching Ansible Modules to configure ArubaOS-Switch and ArubsOS-CX devices.
This project has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 7 Linux OS but it can be used on any Linux based system.
- The project requires to have Python2.7 or Python3.5 and at least Ansible 2.5 installed on your System. See Ansible Documentation for more information on Ansible installation.
- This project requires following Python Libraries to be installed.
- Names: "requests", "urllib3", "paramiko"
- This project requires Aruba Switching Ansible Modules to be installed
Module Installation
This project currently holds the following Workflow Documentation. Please click on each link to see further information about the Workflow.
Inventory Set Up
See the documented steps on how to set up your inventory to use the workflows in this project here: Project Inventory Set Up
This project currently holds the following Workflow Documentation. Please click on each link to see further information about the Workflow.
- ArubaOS-CX Module Configuration Example
- ArubaOS-CX Task Configuration Example
- ArubaOS-Switch and ArubaOS-CX Config Generation
- ArubaOS-Switch Firmware Upgrade Example
- ArubaOS-Switch Module Configuration Example
- ArubaOS-Switch Task Configuration Example
- Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Workflow
Ansible Tower
Project Structure
├───aruba_task_lists # Ansible Task Lists
│ ├───aos_cx # Task Lists for ArubaOS-CX
│ ├───aos_switch # Task Lists for ArubaOS-Switch
│ └───ztp # Task Lists for the ZTP Solution
├───config # Place for generated switch configs
├───files # Place for any additional files that are used in tasks
├───filter_plugins # Ansible default directory for custom filter plugins
├───group_vars # Branch related variables
├───host_vars # Host related variables
├───images # Directory for images in Wiki
├───inventory # System related variables
├───inventory_creation_scipts # Scripts to create parts of the inventory from sources i.e. csv
├───library # Ansible default directory for custom modules
├───lookup_plugins # Ansible default directory for custom lookup plugins
├───templates # Place to hold Jinja templates for config generation
├───vault # Vault directory to save certain variables encrypted
└───ztp_logs # Directory for additional logs that get created in the ZTP Solution
└───ansible.cfg # Ansible configuration
└───arubaoscx_module_config_example.yml # Playbook for example usage of ArubaOS-CX Modules.
└───arubaoscx_tasks_config_example.yml # Playbook for ArubaOS-CX Task List Configuration Example Workflow
└───arubaoss_firmware_example.yml # Playbook for ArubaOS-Switch Firmware Upgrade Example Workflow
└───arubaoss_module_config_example.yml # Playbook for example usage of ArubaOS-Switch Modules.
└───arubaoss_tasks_config_example.yml # Playbook for ArubaOS-Switch Task List Configuration Example Workflow
└───config_generator.yml # Playbook for ArubaOS-Switch and ArubaOS-CX Config Generation Workflow
└───ztp_start.yml # Playbook for Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Workflow