
Proxy messages between pilight and mqtt

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Proxy messages between pilight and mqtt


python3 setup.py install

Tips & Tricks

  • Autodiscovery fails, what is the port to use?

You can specify the port pilight listens on in the pilight configuration under settings, port. https://manual.pilight.org/en/configuration-settings#pf2

Remember to first stop pilgith and only modify the settings afterwards. At least for me pilight will overwrite the configuration with its current values when shutting down.


  • Python 3.4+

systemd service

Modify pilight2mqtt.service with the start argumetns you need

sudo cp pilight2mqtt.service /lib/systemd/system/pilight2mqtt.service
# Only if the file previously existed
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# to start pilight2mqtt
sudo systemctl start pilight2mqtt.service
# to enable startup at boot
systemctl enable pilight2mqtt.service