My course files for the Online Computer Science degree. I started this degree 01.02.2019.
You can explore the contents on this website or directly in the git repsetory. By clicking on the name of a course in the table below, you get to see more information like the syllabus and my programs.
Language | Files | Lines | Blank | Comment | Code | Complexity | Bytes |
C | 124 | 3450 | 595 | 449 | 2406 | 346 | 65700 |
Python | 95 | 6431 | 579 | 402 | 5450 | 307 | 182798 |
Standard ML (SML) | 78 | 3221 | 628 | 656 | 1937 | 338 | 89354 |
HTML | 39 | 2321 | 198 | 453 | 1670 | 0 | 87328 |
Rust | 39 | 2609 | 415 | 195 | 1999 | 185 | 69109 |
Ruby | 25 | 2280 | 344 | 327 | 1609 | 161 | 52227 |
Assembly | 20 | 59326 | 299 | 0 | 59027 | 6 | 383834 |
Total | 420 | 79638 | 3058 | 2482 | 74098 | 1343 | 930350 |
Name | Course link | Date |
Name | Course link | Date |
How to Code - Simple Data | edX / University of British Columbia | 23.09.2019 |
How to Code - Complex Data | edX / University of British Columbia | 27.05.2020 |
Programming Languages, Part A | Coursera / University of Washington | 01.08.2020 |
Programming Languages, Part B | Coursera / University of Washington | 18.08.2020 |
Programming Languages, Part C | Coursera / University of Washington | 02.09.2020 |
Name | Course link | Date |
Essence of Linear Algebra | Youtube / 3Blue1Brown | 27.09.2019 |
Name | Course link | Date |
Introduction to Computer Science - CS50 | edX / Harvard University | 25.06.2020 |
From Nand to Tetris I | Coursera / Hebrew University of Jerusalem | 26.09.2020 |
From Nand to Tetris II | Coursera / Hebrew University of Jerusalem | 15.08.2021 |