
Client for the Open Glider Network (OGN) written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A client for the Open Glider Network written in Rust.

Get the binary

There are two ways: you can just checkout/download this repository, install Rust, run cargo build --release and then take the binary from subdirectory target/release, or you go to the releases page and download the compiled binary for the desired platform.

Example Usage

Get the raw stream

Just start the client. It will connect to the OGN data stream and print it out. Every message received is prefixed by a timestamp [ns].


Write raws stream to logfile

You can log the stream to a file. For example you can just pipe the output from above to a file.

ogn-client > ogndata.log

Write the stream to TimescaleDB / PostgreSQL

TimescaleDB is a very fast TSDB (time series database). It is based on the popular database PostgreSQL. You can directly connect to this database. The connection string the ogn-client is using is postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ogn.

ogn-client --target postgre-sql

Write the stream to QuestDB

QuestDB is another fast TSDB. By default QuestDB listen on port 9009 for new data. The data format is the "InfluxDB Line Protocol", so you have to set the output format (which is by default "raw") to "influx" and pipe it to port 9009.

ogn-client --format influx | nc localhost 9009

Write a raw logfile to QuestDB

If you created a raw logfile you can use it as source instead of the stream. Just set the source to "stdin". Also set a timeout for nc (here: 1sec.) so the command finishes.

cat ogndata.log | ogn-client --source stdin --format influx | nc -q 1 localhost 9009

Get help

If you need more informations about the command options just execute it with option "--help"

Usage: ogn-client [OPTIONS]

  -s, --source <SOURCE>              specify input source [default: glidernet] [possible values: glidernet, stdin]
  -f, --format <FORMAT>              specify output format [default: raw] [possible values: raw, json, influx, csv]
  -t, --target <TARGET>              specify output target [default: stdout] [possible values: stdout, postgre-sql]
  -b, --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>      maximum batch size for parallel stdin execution [default: 16384]
  -d, --database-url <DATABASE_URL>  database connection string [default: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ogn]
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version

Integrate OGN logger to OS (linux)

If you want to get the stream and save it on a daily basis (for example) for linux we have simple tools: systemd and logrotate. First write a configuration for systemd and save it under "/etc/systemd/system/ogn.service". Modify the paths so the configuration fits your system.

Description=Open Glider Network (OGN) data stream logger



Now you have to enable and start the service

systemctl enable ogn
systemctl start ogn

To split and compress the logfile on a daily basis you can create a configuration file and safe it under "/etc/logrotate.d/ogn"

/var/log/ogn/stderr.log {
  rotate 40