
Multiple-Choice Question-Answering with the WikiQA Dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Multiple-Choice Question-Answering with the WikiQA Dataset

MY GIT - https://github.com/Mejorarsim

Project Overview

This project focuses on building and evaluating multiple-choice question-answering models using the WikiQA corpus. Various methods were explored, including traditional set similarity measures, cosine similarity of term frequency (TF) vectors, and deep learning approaches using the BERT model.

Table of Contents


The WikiQA corpus, used in this project, consists of train, validation, and test splits:

The dataset contains questions and multiple answer options, with one correct answer per question.


1. Data Pre-Processing

Data was loaded and pre-processed using SpaCy for tokenization and lemmatization. Each dataset split was analyzed for the number of questions and options, and tokenization statistics were computed, including:

  • Average number of tokens per question.
  • Average number of tokens per choice.
  • Average number of tokens per correct choice.

Additional exploration included word frequency analysis and examining the overlap and semantic similarity between questions and their correct options.

2. Set Similarity Measures

Set similarity measures were applied to determine the best matching answer:

  • Overlap Coefficient
  • Sorensen-Dice Coefficient
  • Jaccard Similarity

Each measure was evaluated on the training and validation sets by calculating the accuracy and handling ties when similarity scores were identical.

3. Cosine Similarity of TF Vectors

Term Frequency (TF) vectors were generated using the CountVectorizer with a custom tokenizer. Cosine similarity between the TF vectors of the questions and answers was used to select the most similar answer. Accuracy was reported for the training and validation sets.

4. Cosine Similarity of BERT Vectors

The BERT model (bert-base-uncased) was employed to generate context vectors for questions and answers. The context vector corresponding to the [CLS] token was used. Cosine similarity between the BERT vectors of questions and answers was calculated to select the most similar answer. Accuracy was evaluated on the training and validation sets.

5. Fine-Tuning a Transformer Model

A BERT-based sequence classification model was fine-tuned to classify question-option pairs:

  • Training Process: The model was trained using a dataset of question-option pairs, where each pair was labeled as correct or incorrect.
  • Evaluation Metrics: Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score were reported for the validation set.
  • Selecting the Correct Answer: The option with the highest positive logit was selected as the correct answer.


Method Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy
Overlap Coefficient 65.3% 63.2%
Sorensen-Dice Coefficient 67.5% 65.0%
Jaccard Similarity 66.2% 64.1%
Cosine Similarity (TF Vectors) 70.4% 68.3%
Cosine Similarity (BERT Vectors) 78.5% 75.6%
Fine-Tuned BERT (Question-Option) 82.4% 79.8%


The fine-tuning of the BERT model on question-option pairs achieved the highest accuracy, surpassing traditional set similarity measures and cosine similarity of TF vectors. The BERT model's deep contextual understanding provides a significant advantage over simpler methods.

How to Use

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo.git
    cd your-repo
  2. Install Requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download Dataset: Download the dataset and place it in the appropriate directory.

  4. Run the Notebook: Open and run the Jupyter notebook main_notebook.ipynb to reproduce the results.


  • Python 3.7+
  • spacy
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • transformers
  • torch

Install the necessary Python packages using pip install -r requirements.txt.


Special thanks to the creators of the WikiQA dataset and the developers of the SpaCy and Hugging Face Transformers libraries.