
A demo app using Nrwl Nx toolkit, Angular CLI, Angular Material, NgRx platform, and .NET 5.0 + Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Build status

Nx + Angular + NgRx Platform + .NET 5.0

This is basic demo of how to use a full stack Nx monorepo with Angular and .NET 5.0 with Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions and a demo Azure pipeline for Azure DevOps.


See a live demo here: https://angularclinetcorengrxstarter.azurewebsites.net/

Getting Started?

  • Make sure you have at least Node 12.x or higher (w/ npm 6+) installed!
  • This repository uses ASP.NET Core 5.0, which has a hard requirement on .NET SDK 5.0.x. Please install these items from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download

Visual Studio 2019

Make sure you have .NET 5.0 installed and/or the latest VS2019.

Visual Studio Code

Note: Make sure you have the C# extension & .NET Debugger installed.

npm install

Serve Development App

npm start

Both the api (dotnet) and web app (Angular) will build and run in dev mode. Open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ to see the Angular app, or https://localhost:60254/swagger to see the api documentation generated by Swagger.


npm run lint

Unit Tests

Run unit tests by executing:

npm run test

End-to-end Tests

Run e2e tests by executing:

npm run e2e

Build Production App

Build the production Angular app and Publish the release .NET app, run:

npm run build:prod

The contents of the. /dist folder should now contain something that can be deployed to and Azure web service or IIS instance.