This is a repo of a custom language called Gen Z ++ (the repo name replaced it to be -- but i think that adds to the joke
yap: comment beta: mutable variable sigma: immutable variable
Data types vibe: boolean stack: integer sauce: double quote: string squad: array facts: dictionary
Conditional statements vibe check: if bro did not pass: else
Loops bussin': while hits different: break hot take: continue body count: loop iteration variable name (best practice)
Functions main character: main function lit: function slide into dms: function call slide back: return understood the assignment: program completed successfully
Input/Output flex: print left on read: user input
Operators drip: + lack: - combo: * ratio: / no cap: == cap: !=
Classes squad goals: class blud: friend class highkey: public member lowkey: private member guarded af: protected member cook: create an instance cooked: deallocate an instance
Exceptions yeet: throw red flag: error send it: try caught in 4k: catch last chance bro: finally