Event Handlers and State

In this lesson, we will look at how to respond to events in React and use those events to manage the ever-changing state in our application.

Table of Contents


  • State — Data that is used by an application at a particular point in time. State is often mutable, meaning it can be changed over time, usually in response to user actions or other events
  • Stateful Component — A component that depends on state and is re-rendered whenever the state changes.
  • Hooks — Functions that provide a wide variety of features for React components. They all begin with use().
  • useState – A react hook for managing state within a React component. It returns an array with a state value and a setter function. It triggers the component to re-render when the state changes.
  • Lifting state up — A practice where state is defined in a parent component so that it can be used by its child components.
  • Controlled Form — A form whose value changes are controlled by a piece of state.


In this lesson, we'll be using an app called instapets to demonstrate building stateful components. A stateful component is one that depends on state and re-renders whenever the state changes.

State is the data that is used by an application at a particular point in time. State is often mutable, meaning it can be changed over time, usually in response to user actions or other events

Right now the app is not stateful. It renders 3 hard-coded pet pictures, the form doesn't work and neither do the "Like" buttons.

Let's build this thing!

Handling Changing State

Let's tackle the likes buttons first.

Our Components Already Render Data

Each InstagramPost component renders a picture, a caption and a button to increment and display likes.

Notice how we added an onClick prop with the handleClick callback function.

const InstagramPost = ({ picture }) => {

  let likes = 0;

  const handleClick = {

  return (
    <div className="insta-pic">
      <img alt={picture.caption} src={picture.src} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>❤️ {likes}</button>

export default InstagramPost;

A stateful component is one that renders state — data values that may change.

Q: What data values does this component render? Is any of that considered "state"?

likes and picture These values are not considered state because they are hard-coded! They will not change.

Changing A Variable In Reaction to Events

Let's make likes a piece of mutable state.

We want to update likes each time we click on the Like button. So, maybe this will work?

const InstagramPost = ({ picture }) => {
  console.log('rendering InstagramPost');
  let likes = 0;

  const handleClick = () => {

  return (
    <div className="insta-pic">
      <img alt={picture.caption} src={picture.src} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>❤️ {likes}</button>

While this does increment the likes value, it doesn't cause the component to re-render because React isn't watching this value for changes.


So how do we make the component re-render with the updated likes value?

We need a hook. Hooks in react are functions that perform a variety of jobs. They can be identified by their name which starts with "use":

  • useState()
  • useEffect()
  • useNavigate()
  • useParams()
  • useContext()
  • etc...

The useState hook allows us to create a piece of state that React will watch and when the state changes, it will re-render.

Here's how it works:

Import useState from react

// InstagramPost.jsx
import { useState } from "react";
  • useState is a named export of the react package (note the {} around the function in the import statement).

Invoke useState at the top of your component

const InstagramPost = () => {
  const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0);

  // handleClick and the return statement
  • useState must be called at the top of a component. Otherwise weird stuff happens.
  • useState(0) returns an array with two values:
    1. A piece of state data (likes) with a starting value (0)
    2. A "setter" function for updating that state data (likes) and re-rendering the component
  • The convention is to name state variables like [something, setSomething] using array destructuring.

Use the setter function to update the state

const handleClick = () => {
  setLikes(likes + 1); // this is OK but can cause some race issues
  setLikes((currentLikes) => currentLikes + 1); // this is better when the next value depends on the current value
  likes++; // Don't do this
  • When the event handler is clicked, we'll invoke setLikes which either accepts:
    • the new value that we want to set likes to or...
    • a callback function for turning the current value of likes into the next value of likes.
  • As we saw, incrementing likes directly does not cause the component to re-render
  • setLikes will cause the component to re-render with the provided value as the new value for likes

All Together Now

import { useState } from 'react';

const InstagramPost = ({ picture }) => {
  const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0)

  const handleClick = () => {
    setLikes((currentLikes) => currentLikes + 1)

  return (
    <div className="insta-pic">
      <img alt={picture.caption} src={picture.src} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>❤️ {likes}</button>


  • Why did we pass in 0 when we invoked useState?
  • What does useState() return?
  • What does setLikes() do? What kinds of inputs does it take?

setLikes does NOT change the value of likes

Interestingly setLikes does NOT change the value of likes within the handleClick callback. It tells React to re-render the InstagramPost component with a new value of likes.

You can see this if you place a console.log(likes) statement inside of handleClick callback.

This kind of makes sense: setLikes isn't actually changing any value. It's just saying what the next value should be.


Next up we'll make a form for the user to add new pet pictures.

Creating a form using JSX in React is almost identical to creating a form using HTML. Take a look at NewPetForm.jsx:

const NewPetForm = () => {
  const handleSubmit = (e) => {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <label htmlFor="src-input">Image Source:</label>
      <input type="text" name="src" id="src-input"/>
      <label htmlFor="caption-input">Caption:</label>
      <input type="text" name="caption" id="caption-input" />
  • Instead of for we use htmlFor when connecting labels and inputs.
  • We use onSubmit instead of using addEventListener.

Now, how do we handle the submission event?

Controlled Forms

A controlled form is a form element whose input values are controlled by React state rather than through DOM manipulation.

To create a controlled form, we will:

  1. Create a piece of state for each input we want to control
  2. Assign the value prop of the input to the input state value we just created
  3. Assign an onChange handler to the input that invokes the state setter function
  4. When handling submissions, we can simply reference the input state values.
  5. Remember to reset the state values after submission.
const NewPetForm = () => {

  // 1. Create a piece of state for each input we want to control
  const [src, setSrc] = useState('');
  const [caption, setCaption] = useState('');

  const handleSubmit = (e) => {

    // 4. When handling submissions, we can simply reference the input state values.
    console.log(src, caption);

    // 5. Remember to reset the state values after submission.

  // 2. Assign the `value` prop of the input to the input state value we just created
  // 3. Assign an `onChange` handler to the input that invokes the state setter function
  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <label htmlFor="src-input">Image Source:</label>
        onChange={(e) => setSrc(e.target.value)} 
      <label htmlFor="caption-input">Caption:</label>
        onChange={(e) => setCaption(e.target.value)} 
  • Notice how each input has a value and an onChange prop associated with a particular piece of state.
  • When it is time to submit the form, we can easily use the src and caption state values without digging through the form.

Discussion! Lifting State Up

The last step to putting this together is having the form submission actually add a new picture to the list of pictures.

Here is the component tree of the application:

The challenge is that PicturesList is where the pictures are defined but we want to update the list of pictures from NewPetForm.

If we were to turn the pictures array into some state like this:

const [pictures, setPictures] = useState(initialPictures);

Q: Where should I put this? Why?

The state should be defined in the App which is the closest shared ancestor of the NewPetForm and the PicturesList. The App can then pass those values down to its children as props. This is called "lifting state up". Check out the 1-instapets-final/ to see how this is done:

  • App uses useState to define the pictures and setPictures values
  • It passes down pictures to PicturesList
  • It makes an addPicture helper function and passes it down to NewPetForm to invoke upon submission.
  • Notice how addPicture sets the state by copying the existing array and adding a new object.