
Reusable Modal component, supports own custom HTML, text and classes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue Modal 🖼

npm semantic-release CircleCI (all branches) Commitizen friendly

Reusable Modal component, supports own custom HTML, text and classes and/or passing a component. Featuring multiple modal content / buttons.


Reusable Modal component, supports own custom HTML, text and classes and/or passing a component. Featuring multiple modal content / buttons.

What this ISN'T

This component is not meant to be a bootstrap-ish already-styled-modal-replacer for Vue.

What this IS

Instead: it wants to take it a step further: it gives you a skeleton base structure where you are free to apply your own css styling according to your requirements/website and gives you freedom of formatting the content/arrows/buttons/events as you wish with little to no effort.


  • Animated modal transition
  • Overlay on modal background
  • Custom event triggering on before-close and before-open
  • Conditional: Next/prev arrows, close button, paging
  • Next and prev arrow for switching between modal contents
  • Modal contents navigation with custom paging
  • CSS/HTML customisation of: prev/next arrows, modal content, modal navigation, modal trigger button/s


Vue modal animated demo


npm i @melmacaluso/vue-modal


Simply import it in your desired vue component as follows:

import Modal from "@melmacaluso/vue-modal";


Prop Type Comment
btnText String Text label for modal button
modalContent String Pass here your html for the modal main modal
closeBtn Boolean Conditionally add a close button
closeBtn-content String Pass here your html for the close button
multiple Boolean Allow multiple buttons/content within the modal
modals Array Pass here an array of objects, they retain the same props within the array's scope ie. <scope>.btnText
showNav Boolean Conditionally show a navigation with each modal's btnText
showArrows Boolean Conditionally show an arrow based navigation
showArrowsCloseBtn Boolean Conditionally show an the close button between the prev/next arrows, it inherits closeBtn-content
arrowNextContent String Pass here your html for the next arrow
arrowPrevContent String Pass here your html for the previous arrow
@before-open Function Attach here your custom function, it will be invoked before the modal opens
@before-close Function Attach here your custom function, it will be invoked before the modal closes


Inline HTML:

  btnText="Press me, senpai 😊"
          <h2> Hello I am a modal</h2>
          <p>I like stating the obvious: <b>the obvious</b></p>
          <p>Now, try this trick: <code>Ctrl + Shift + W </code> 😉</p>

Passing component:

  btnText="Press me, senpai 😊"

Multiple buttons & modal content + custom functions:

      btnText: 'Press me 1',
      modalContent: 'This is <strong>the</strong> content 1'
      btnText: 'Press me 2',
        '<img src=\'https://media.giphy.com/media/5exwXWg9u7yow/giphy.gif\'>'
      btnText: 'Press me 3',
      modalContent: 'This is the <h3>content 3</h3>'

From Api/Json feed + Prev/Next Arrows:


export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
      users: []
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(res => this.users = res)
      .catch(err => console.log(err))
  computed: {
    formattedUsers: function() {
      return this.users.map(user => {
        return {
          btnText: `${user.name}`,
          modalContent: `