A ruby application shell using the moj_template and moj_elements
Open the Gem file and add the following gem and save:
- gem 'moj_template', ‘0.21.0'
Add dependencies in application.rb as set out in the template instructions:
- config.app_title = ''
- config.proposition_title = ''
- config.phase = ''
- config.product_type = ''
- config.feedback_url = ''
- config.ga_id = ''
Run bundle install, when complete and start the rails server ( rails s), check project (
To see a working page complete the following:
In layout/application.html.erb replace everything with:
<% content_for :stylesheets do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all" %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :javascripts do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<% end %>
<%= render template: "layouts/moj_template" %>
#Add a controller to test (static_controller.rb)
class StaticController < ApplicationController end
#Add view folder and a test home page (static/home.html.erb)
- Add App Name
- Add input boxes for First name: & Last name:
- Add an input/submit box with class='button
This will then show the formatting and sytles
#Add a route in routes.rb to point to page
root to: 'static#home'
Save the project, start server and check project is working, with the start page at on (
Optional Adding the MOJ Elements (to the moj_template)
Create a new root file in project called .bowerrc. Add the required directory in the new file:
{ "directory": "vendor/assets" }
Then via the command line
- bower install ministryofjustice/moj_elements –save
- reference the files in the asset pipeline
- *= require build/stylesheets/moj.tabs & //= require build/javascripts/moj.tabs
- re-start the server and check project still works
- moj_frontend_toolkit is now deprecated (gem 'govuk_frontend_toolkit', '2.0.1')
- Replaced with moj_elements
Assets pipeline has three areas in ruby
- App/assets/ main pipleline
- Lib/assets/ additional libraries
- Vendor/assets vendor specific like bower used to install elements
In application manifest .js and .css files add //=require and name of the directory and file created so your project can recognize it.
Note: The asset pipeline automatically reads the first two subfolders so for example In Vendor if the moj_elements are installed there is no need to explicitly add
We only need
//= require build/javascripts/moj.tabs
in the manifiest.