Those files are exercises solved from the list of exercises from 42sp.

list C00:
- ex00: print the char received (only using the function write).
- ex01: print the alphabet (only using the function write).
- ex02: print the reverse alphabet.
- ex03: print the numbers from 0 to 9.
- ex04: print N if the number is negative and print P if it's 0 or a positive number.
- ex05: print all the diferent combinations of three numbers starting from 012 and has to end in 789 without new line.
- ex06: print all the combinations of two numbers between 0 and 99, ascending order. It has to print like this 00 01, 00 02, ..., 00 99, 01 02, ..., 97 99, 98 99
- ex07: show the number passed as parameter, it has to show all the possibilities of an int type.
- ex08: make a function that print all the diferent combinations of n (the value received) numbers in ascending order. And 0 < n < 10.

list C01:
- ex00: write a function that has a pointer to int in parameter and give the int the value of 42.
- ex01: write a function that has a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to an int in parameter and give the int the value of 42.
- ex02: write a function that swaps the value of two ints whose addresses are data in parameters.
- ex03: write a function which divides the two parameters a and b storing the result in the pointed int per div. It also storing the remainder of the division of a and b in the int pointed to by mod.
- ex04: This function divides the int pointed to by a and b. The result of the division is stored in the int pointed to by a. The result of the remainder of the division is stored in the int pointed to by b
- ex05: write a function that prints the string, the first letter of the string is stored in the pointer passed as parameter to the function.
- ex06: write a function that counts the quantity of char in a string of char and return the number found.
- ex07: write a function that reverse a array of int. The parameters are a pointer to int and the quantity of int in the array.
- ex08: write a function that sort the array in ascending order. The parameters are a pointer to int and the quantity of int in the array.