
Embeddable HTML templating engine for Common Lisp with JSX-like syntax

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Quicklisp dist Build Status Coverage Status

Embeddable HTML templating engine with JSX-like syntax.


(ql:quickload '(:lsx :local-time))


;=> #<LSX/HTML:ELEMENT br {1003F98BF3}>

(lsx:render-object <br/> t)
;-> <br>
;=> NIL

(lsx:render-object <a href="/hello">Say Hello</a> t)
;-> <a href="/hello">Say Hello</a>
;=> NIL

;; Embed Lisp code in {}

(lsx:render-object <a href="/hello">Say Hello at {(local-time:now)}</a> t)
;-> <a href="/hello">Say Hello at 2018-09-14T05:04:55.009102+09:00</a>
;=> NIL

Defining custom tags

(lsx:deftag welcome (&key name)

<welcome name="fukamachi"></welcome>
;=> #<WELCOME {10028D74D3}>

(lsx:render-object <welcome name="fukamachi" /> t)
;-> <h1>fukamachi</h1>
;=> NIL

Defining templates

(lsx:deftemplate default-layout ()
  (title body)

(lsx:deftemplate index-page (default-layout)
   :title "Index"
   :body <h1>Welcome</h1>))

(lsx:render 'index-page)
;=> "<!DOCTYPE html>
;    <html>
;          <head>
;            <title>Index</title>
;          </head>
;          <body>
;            <h1>Welcome</h1>
;          </body>
;        </html>
;    "

Loading from file

;; example.lsx
(lambda (&key (name "Guest"))
    <title>Welcome {name}</title>
    <div id="main"><h1>Hello</h1><p><a href="/entries">Show Entries</a></p></div>
(lsx:read-lsx-file #P"example.lsx")
;=> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (&KEY :NAME) :IN "~/Programs/lib/lsx/example.lsx") {1005E72B5B}>

(lsx:render-object (funcall * :name "fukamachi") t)
;-> <!DOCTYPE html>
;   <html>
;     <head>
;       <title>Welcome fukamachi</title>
;     </head>
;     <body>
;       <div id="main"><h1>Hello</h1><p><a href="/entries">Show Entries</a></p></div>
;     </body>
;   </html>
;=> NIL

How it works

LSX syntax is implemented as reader macro. It's able to see how it's expanded with quoting.

;=> (LSX/TAG:H 'BR (LIST))

'<a href="/hello">Say Hello</a>
;=> (LSX/TAG:H 'A (LIST (CONS "href" "/hello")) (LIST "Say Hello"))

'<a href="/hello">Say Hello at {(local-time:now)}</a>
;=> (LSX/TAG:H 'A (LIST (CONS "href" "/hello")) (LIST "Say Hello at " (LAMBDA () (LOCAL-TIME:NOW))))

h is a function to make an element. It takes a single required argument, a tag-name as a string, and 2 optional arguments, attributes as an association list and children as a list of elements.

;; Same as <br/>
(lsx:h "br")
;=> #<LSX/HTML:ELEMENT br {10033183D3}>

(lsx:h "a" '(("href" . "/hello")) '("Say Hello"))
;=> #<LSX/HTML:ELEMENT a {100331D823}>

(lsx:h "a" '(("href" . "/hello")) (list "Say Hello at " (lambda () (local-time:now))))

See Also



Copyright (c) 2018 Eitaro Fukamachi


Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.