
Analyse tool for the Skyrim Lets Play by Gronkh

Primary LanguageJava


Java15 Gradle application to parse Gronkhs Skyrim videos and extract statistics. It uses Tesseract for text recognition.

It also contains a simple Vu3 frontend to visualize the output.


This is more a prototype to be run local by me. It is not for general usage, but you can look at the source code.


You will need the following tools:

  • Docker
  • Java15
  • Tessaract with German language files
  • Yarn and Node

You will also need the videos.


Parser (Java)

You have to fiddle a bit in coalMine/src/main/java/de/meldanor/gronkskyrim/Application.java. It supports two modes: -t POSTPROCESS and -t ANALYZE. The first will need a finished series event log, the second will generate one based on the videos.

You have to set the file paths in the coalMine/src/main/java/de/meldanor/gronkskyrim/Config.java to your correct ones.


See the frontend/package.json for instructions. Start a local server with yarn server , after installing yarn install the packages.


You can fork it and create PRs, but please consider, this was a learning project for me and not a full running app.
