
Rust application to export BMP280 sensor data via Prometheus metrics

Primary LanguageRust


A small rust library to read the BME/BMP280 sensor and report them as prometheus metrics. Using rouille as a web library.


Make sure you have I2C enabled and the necessary tools installed!

Make sure your chip is connected properly. Test it with i2cdetect -y 1, which should show a 76 in the matrix.


Start the program: ./sensador

It should report the current values and open a local webserver at port 8000


Use the provided docker-compose.yml to compile the file for a raspberry zero:

docker-compose run --rm rpi0 bash
cargo build 
# OR for a release build
cargo build --release  

The program should be in target/arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf/{debug OR release}/sensador.