
Exercise solutions for the Javascript repo designed by Asabeneh Yetayeh in 30 days.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ℹ️ Info

A solutions to the exercise questions of the Javascipt repo's exercise questions in Javascript 30 days designed by Asabeneh Yetayeh.

30 Days Of Javascript Repo Links

Repo Links

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30 Days Of Javascript Repo Topics

Day Number Topics
01 Introduction
02 Data Types
03 Booleans, Operators, Date
04 Conditionals
05 Arrays
06 Loops
07 Functions
08 Objects
09 Higher Order Functions
10 Sets and Maps
11 Destructuring and Spreading
12 Regular Expressions
13 Console Object Methods
14 Error Handling
15 Classes
17 Web Storages
18 Promises
19 Closure
20 Writing Clean Code
21 DOM
22 Manipulating DOM Object
23 Event Listeners
24 Mini Project: Solar System
25 Mini Project: World Countries Data Visualization 1
26 Mini Project: World Countries Data Visualization 2
27 Mini Project: Portfolio
28 Mini Project: Leaderboard
29 Mini Project: Animating characters
30 Final Projects

⚠️ Things to Consider in The Project

Some programs are required in this project. Node.js, Git, VSCode etc.

In some days of the repo, the .json file contains commands necessary for the project to run. Do not delete it.

ℹ️ How does the project work?

  1. For the projects to work correctly, you must first have Node.Js installed on your computer. If it is not installed, you can download it from the Node.js page to install it.
  2. If you have Node.js installed, you do not need to apply item 1. You can use VSCode termnial by typing the following command. etc cd Day_01_Solution, node script.js or node script

Sources Utilized