
MAX patch meant to be used w/ phidget board and floor sensors to create an interactive experience where people can answer questions and hear others responses

Primary LanguageMax


//easiest way to access patch is to open zip file

MAX patches meant to be used w/ phidget board and floor sensors to create an interactive experience where people can answer questions and hear others responses

A path of four floor sensors is made, each sensor connected to a phidget board which is connected to a computer. When a person begins the experience, they pick up a phone, step on the first floor sensor, and are asked a question, "Where do you want to travel?" They supposedly answer and then step on the next floor sensor and are asked "What do you want right now?". On the next step, they're asked "What makes you angry?" On the final step, they're told to turn around to listen to people's responses. This is meant to create conversation and perhaps even inspire empathy between strangers who wouldn't normally cross paths. The title, "Bridges not Borders" has to with the idea that more "bridges" need to be built to connect people who live within their own political silos or only communicate with people like themselves.