PokeQuotes README
Welcome to PokeQuotes:
This project explores web site scraping, combining the data from multiple sources into an easily digestible (enjoyable) widget and rendering a Pokedex completely styled with CSS and animated with JavaScript. The input form will request a link from a Pokemon sprites library and a link to a quote page on the BrainyQuote site.
Some tools employed included DOMParser (to convert the fetched HTML text to a DOM-like element to ease site scraping), Webpack (to Load files as modules as required by each process/function in the code permitting modular programming), Surge (to deploy the melisaim-pokequotes.surge.sh), CodePen (to mock up the pokedex, feel free to play with it!, serve-npm (to mimic a production environment and easily share with local network), Materialize (to use their CSS library and dialog jquery) and elementX (to create dom/html elements in a functional way).
Future Enhancements:
- Better CSS Styling for Pokedex
- Potential audio generated
- More functionality in Pokedex "buttons"
- Create Pokedexes specific to the generation of the Pokemon being rendered
- String manipulate the quote to match the Pokemon in some way
- Drop-down for Pokemon selection
- Export of widgets (shareable)
- Data caching
- Create more interesting data outputs
- Allow user customization (for better punning)