AWS Worker for automated environment deployment



You'll need to bootstrap it first: CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP=1 cdk bootstrap --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess

Deploy all stacks with: cdk deploy --require-approval never --outputs-file cdk.out.json Deploy specific stack with: cdk deploy "StackNameHere" --require-approval never --outputs-file cdk.out.json Destroy all stacks with: cdk destroy --force Destroy specific stack with: cdk destroy "StackNameHere" --force

You can append --verbose if it's a little too quiet for you.

Note: Currently it's setup to build the stack name from environment variables, so if those variables aren't consistent I'm not sure if it will destroy all stacks properly. You can always visit CloudFormation's Stacks page to manually nuke things.


  • PreviewStack : Deploys a docker image from a freshly built directory on thunderbird-website repo.

Environment Variables

Preview Stack

  • PS_PREVIEW_ENV_ID : Unique ID for pull request preview environment deploys. Should be formatted like {Branch Name}-{PR Number}. Defaults to fake-branch-name-400.
  • PS_SITE_NAME : Unique site id. All assets/services/vpcs/etc will be prefixed by this. Defaults to thunderbird-website.
  • PS_NAMESPACE : For the cluster's cluod map. Defaults to thunderbird.local.
  • PS_DOCKER_DIRECTORY : Directory where the docker file is. Defaults to ../thunderbird-website.
  • PS_DOCKER_FILE : Docker file name. Defaults to deploy.docker.