Melissa Buckingham Web Development


The purpose of this website is to provide prospective clients with the option to view and buy web development services including Website Building, Mobile Apps, Databases,, and Ecommerce stores.

UX design

I wanted to make the user experience as easy to use but at the same time making the website unique and interesting to use.


Screenshots of User Stories


Screenshots of the Wireframe

Accessibility Guidelines Complience

I created the site in order to comply to all accessibility guidelines:

Usage of div and span are limited as these don't tell the user anything about the content. Semantic elements preffered.

I used landmarks such as "

" "
", and "" to allow the visually impaired to be able to navigate easily throughout the site.

All links use the href attribute, not using div or span to simulate a link.

I have followed the color contrast guidelines, so that writing on the images are easy to read.

Labels used where appropriate to enable the visually impaired.

Bugs and Testing

I Manually tested Melissa Buickingham Web Development every step of the way, using the web preview function on Gitpod. I also tested it once it was deployed to check that it was still funtioning as I had initially expected it to.

Navigating between the pages via the back or forward buttons never break the site and there are no broken links.

I have checked that all links are working correctly and there are no issues.)

I have used a mixture of manual testing and automated testing in the creation of this website, the automated testing makes sure that it is in line with accepted standards, and the manual testing makes sure that it is comfortable for the user to use and has the correct level of interactivity.

W3 Validator Screenshots of the W3 test of HTML

Jigsaw CSS Validation Screenshots of the Jigsaw test of CSS No issues found at all.


My site was deployed at

Debug set to False for deployment.


A lot of help used from previous sites that I have built.