Challenge StarkBank


  • You must have node installed

Instructions to Run a local test

1. Setup environment

  • First you need to generate a private key and create a project in StarkBank sandbox
  • Then you need to create a ".env" file with two variables (the values are just an example):

IMPORTANT: the PRIVATE_KEY value must be in the same line, without line breaks


  • Setup ngrok pointing to the application port, example: ngrok http 4567
  • Setup a webhook in StarkBank sandbox by using ngrok generated url
  • make setup-dev will install the application dependencies and run in the specified port (check makefile to check the script details)
  • Now you just have to wait the invoice cronjob to run (in order to accelerate the invoice cronjob you can change it to "* * * * *")

How does it work?

  • The core of the application is to schedule a invoice cronjob to generate invoices every 3 hours to random people and after receiving the invoice credit by webhook a transfer is triggered from our account to other StarBank account