WordPress App with Flutter

IOS/Android Native App for WordPress Website/Blog built using Flutter. No additional Plugins required for WordPress.

Built for DevFest Lahore 2019 Workshop


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These are he requirements to run this App

  • Flutter Version 1.9 or later
  • WordPress 4.7 or later

Getting Started

clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/atiqsamtia/WordPress-App-with-Flutter.git wordpress_flutter

Change TITLE and URL according to your website in lib/config.dart file.

Update dependencies

flutter packages get

Run App with this command

flutter run

It is that simple.


  • Latest Posts
  • Featured Posts
  • Single Category Posts List Page
  • Infinite Scroll with pagination
  • Post Detail Page
  • Top 15 Categories in Tab
  • Fade Image with Placeholder
  • Cached Network Image
  • RTL support for language like Arabic, Urdu, Hebrew etc
  • Connectivity status, if offline pop a message
  • Pull to refresh
  • Setting page
  • Related Posts on Post Detail Page
  • OneSignal integration for Push Notifications
  • Splash screen
  • Share and fav buttons