
Flatiron Movie Theater is open for business! You will be building out an application, Flatdango, that allows a user to purchase movie tickets from the theater.


Use this gif as an example of how the app should work.

Flatdango App Demo

To view in VSCode, right click on the README.md file and select "Open Preview".


Run this command to get the backend started:

$ json-server --watch db.json

Test your server by visiting this route in the browser:


Then, open the index.html file on your browser to run the application.

Write your code in the src/index.js file. The base URL for your API will be http://localhost:3000.

Core Deliverables

As a user, I can:

  1. See the first movie's details, including its poster, title, runtime, showtime, and available tickets when the page loads. The number of available tickets will need to be derived by subtracting the number of tickets_sold from the theater's capacity. You will need to make a GET request to the following endpoint to retrieve the film data:

    GET /films/1
    Example Response:
      "id": "1",
      "title": "The Giant Gila Monster",
      "runtime": "108",
      "capacity": 30,
      "showtime": "04:00PM",
      "tickets_sold": 27,
      "description": "A giant lizard terrorizes a rural Texas community and a heroic teenager attempts to destroy the creature.",
      "poster": "https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/v22vodart/2157/p2157_v_v8_ab.jpg"
  2. See a menu of all movies on the left side of the page in the ul#films element when the page loads. (optional: you can style each film in the list by adding the classes film item to each li element.) There is a placeholder li in the ul#films element that is hardcoded in the HTML — feel free to remove that element by editing the HTML file directly, or use JavaScript to remove the placeholder element before populating the list. You will need to make a GET request to the following endpoint to retrieve the film data:

    GET /films
    Example response:
         "id": "1",
         "title": "The Giant Gila Monster",
         "runtime": "108",
         "capacity": 30,
         "showtime": "04:00PM",
         "tickets_sold": 27,
         "description": "A giant lizard terrorizes a rural Texas community and a heroic teenager attempts to destroy the creature.",
         "poster": "https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/v22vodart/2157/p2157_v_v8_ab.jpg"
         "id": "2",
         "title": "Manos: The Hands Of Fate",
         "runtime": "118",
         "capacity": 50,
         "showtime": "06:45PM",
         "tickets_sold": 44,
         "description": "A family gets lost on the road and stumbles upon a hidden, underground, devil-worshiping cult led by the fearsome Master and his servant Torgo.",
         "poster": "https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/v22vodart/47781/p47781_v_v8_ac.jpg"
  3. Buy a ticket for a movie. After clicking the "Buy Ticket" button, I should see the number of available tickets decreasing on the frontend. I should not be able to buy a ticket if the showing is sold out (if there are 0 tickets available). A persistence mechanism is needed for this feature. Read the following paragraph for more details.

    When a ticket is purchased, you need to do the following

    • Persist the updated number of tickets_sold on the server. Remember, the frontend shows the number of available tickets based on the tickets_sold and the capacity, so only the tickets_sold should be updated on the backend when a ticket is purchased. You will need to make a request that follows this structure:
    PATCH /films/:id
    Request Headers: {
       Content-Type: application/json
    Request Body: {
    "tickets_sold": 28
    Example Response:
       "id": "1",
       "title": "The Giant Gila Monster",
       "runtime": "108",
       "capacity": 30,
       "showtime": "04:00PM",
       "tickets_sold": 28,
       "description": "A giant lizard terrorizes a rural Texas community and a heroic teenager attempts to destroy the creature.",
       "poster": "https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/v22vodart/2157/p2157_v_v8_ab.jpg"
    • POST the new ticket to the tickets endpoint in the database
    POST /tickets
    Request Body: {
       "film_id": "28"
       "number_of_tickets": 5
    Example Response:
       "id": "1"
       "film_id": "28"
       "number_of_tickets": 5
  4. Delete a film from the server. Add a delete button next to each film in the ul#films menu. When the button is clicked, remove the film from the list and also delete the film on the server:

    DELETE /films/:id
    Example Response:
  5. When a movie is sold out (when there are no available tickets remaining), indicate that the movie is sold out by changing the button text to "Sold Out". Also update the film item in the ul#films menu by adding a class of sold-out to the film. For reference, here's what the contents of the ul#films element should look like with a sold out film:

    <li class="film item">(Title of film)</li>
    <li class="sold-out film item">(Title of a sold-out film)</li>
    <li class="film item">(Title of film)</div>

Bonus Deliverables

These bonus deliverables are here if you want an extra challenge and won't affect your score. Make sure to commit your work to save your progress before attempting the bonus deliverables!

  1. Click on a movie in the menu to replace the currently displayed movie's details with the new movie's details. Note that you may have to make an additional GET request to access the movie's details.