- amwnag
- ancientPrinter
- Anonymous24112018
- arrkiinGermany
- baldoalessandroMaieutical Labs
- Chiehx0220Taiwan Taipei
- emmetoneillpdxStudio Regen
- giocodesSF Bay Area
- Goli4thus
- Iechuga
- kellycodeKellyCode
- kremi151Luxembourg
- KrzysztofSikorskiWarsaw, Poland
- liverloopChina
- lrq3000GIGA-Consciousness - Coma Science Group - University & Hospital of Liège
- lstolcmanEuropean Union
- LukaszWiktor@solvenium
- man-schuLuxembourg
- mandm-pt
- mapsandapps@ionic-team
- MelvilQWiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
- musicmichaelc
- mzalevski@jutro
- NilsteichertFrankfurt, Germany
- open-dynaMIX@adfinis
- paramadeep@ThoughtWorksInc
- piekaa
- Pierrot-l3-F0UBabylon
- remoeSwitzerland
- RobiNino@jfrog
- smithartTexas
- syntech16
- Taishi-Y@AlphaByteInc
- VictoireWoodMiddle of Nowhere
- wirthual