
Web implementation of StackSRS using local storage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web version of StackSRS, an app to learn vocabulary using flashcards. The deck state is hold in local storage. Website.


Admin Scripts

These scripts can be run using Python 3 only.


Generates a CSV file from an Excel (*.xlsx) document, merging all sheets to one list.


  • Filename of the Excel file


  • This script expects pandas and xlrd to be pip-installed


Generates a CSV file from a Memrise course.


  • Memrise-Course-ID (the number in the URL)
  • Optionally, the letter i if you want to invert front and back

Example (Duolingo Swedish): python3 importMemriseCourse.py 462533 i


Generates a deck file in JSON format from a CSV file.


  • Filename of the CSV file

The CSV file has to be tab-separated. The first row contains only the name of the deck. The second row contains the two-letter language codes of the source language and the target language. Then, each line contains a word pair. The third column may contain a topic or category, but it is currently not used.