
A hackathon project showcasing an efficient (both in terms of gas, and UX) micropayments protocol implemented on Ethereum


yarn install

Deploy scripts


Deploy a fake ERC20 token that implements permit. the address corresponding to your PRIVATE_KEY environment variable will be given 1_000 TEST token:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_permit_erc20.ts --network sepolia

set the NEXT_PUBLIC_ERC20_ADDRESS environment variable to the address deployed by the above script.


Deploy the PaymentChannel.sol contract:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_payment_channel.ts --network sepolia

set the NEXT_PUBLIC_PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ADDRESS environment variable to the address deployed by the above script.

Final Environment Variables

Finally, set the NEXT_PUBLIC_RECIPIENT_ADDRESS environment variable to be the address that you want to receive payment to via the micropayment channel.

The rest of the environment variables are self explanatory (if not, please reach out via an issue!):


The Next.js App

Getting the app working locally:

docker-compose up # run local Postgres database
yarn dev # run migrations and start app


  1. DEV API url example: http://localhost:3000/api/signature
  2. PROD API url example: https://micropayments.vercel.app/api/signature