
This is product api created for a fictional hospital

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Hospital Product Catalog

This is product api created for a fictional hospital.

The API is created for other development teams in the hospital so they can develop client applications and can use hospitals product data however they want. The original requirements can be found on this assignment page.

This api exposes OpenApi 3 data about itself in the form of this swagger.json a more human readable version can be found on /swagger/index.html

To help you with some manual testing/exploration you could use this postman collection, it contains examples for all of the available endpoints.

Technology stack

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Swashbuckle - to automatically generate Swagger/OpenApi3 documentation and user Interface.
  • MediatR - to support CQRS Pattern (as talked about in our interview)
  • Moq - Mocking framework for testing
  • Automapper - Used to convert Domain Objects to Data TransferObjects and Commands to Domain Objects
  • Fluent Validation - Used to validate incoming commands, example is shown in CreateCategory.cs


To run this API from your local development machine, you need to have at least .net core 3.1 installed. To see if the installation has completed succesfully, run the following command.

dotnet --version

Any SDK version number higher than 3.1.100 will be able to run this API.


To run the API run the following command

dotnet run --project ./src/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API.csproj

todo document the auth api

Or open the solution in Visusal Studio 2019 and press CTRL + F5 (run without debugging)


If you want to run all tests (unit + inegration) you can do so by running the following command.

dotnet test HospitalProductCatalog.sln

Or open the solution in Visusal Studio 2019 and press CTRL + R, A (run all tests)

To run a test project run one of the following commands

dotnet test ./tests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API.IntegrationTests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API.IntegrationTests.csproj
dotnet test ./tests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API.UnitTests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.API.UnitTests.csproj
dotnet test ./tests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.BusinessLogic.UnitTests/Hospital.ProductCatalog.BusinessLogic.UnitTests.csproj