
Functions to support the "eradication tools" shiny app

Primary LanguageR


An R package for the analysis of animal abundance using data from common survey methods employed during pest animal eradication programs. Currently, the package contains models that can handle data collected from occupancy surveys, encounters from remote camera surveys and removal sampling. Parameters can be modelled with covariates, in the style of the package ‘unmarked’. Indeed, the package uses some of the model fitting code from ‘unmarked’. This package is primarily meant to be used as a backend to the shiny app “eradication tools decision support”.


Currently the package is only available on GitHub. Install the package using

install_github("eradicate-dev/eradicate", build_vignettes=TRUE)

The vignette contains a fully worked case study with examples of all the current models. This can be accessed by


bug reports

The package is a work in progress so please use the issue tracker to report bugs in the code or models.