
An Image Editor made in C using only SDL by Melinda Marmot, Nandi Traore, Moad Doghmi and Steve Suissa (leader).

Primary LanguageC

Menamoste Image Editor

An Image Editor made by Melinda Marmot, Nandi Traore, Moad Doghmi and Steve Suissa(leader).



Run make to compile this project to bin/main. Furthermore, there are clean and run rules to remove temporary files and run the program without any argument.

Note that this projet needs the SDL_ttf and SDL_image libraries to work successfully. They are used for text and other image types manipulation.


After having built the project, the app is located at bin/main.


The res folder contains some example images. You should try with res/Lenna.bmp.


  • README - What you're currently reading.

  • res - Folder for the ressources of the project. For now it's the reference images and icons.

  • src - Folder for the source of the project. It contains our code :

    • main.c = The all target, the program.

    • gui.c = Contains the GUI functions.

    • gui.h = Header for the gui.c with explanations of the functions.

    • matrix.c = Contains the matrix functions.

    • matrix.h = Header for the matrix.c with explanations of the functions and structures like matrix_pack or triplet.

    • tools.c = Contains all the tools for image manipulation.

    • tools.h = Header for the tools.c with explanations of the functions.

    • colors.c = Contains the colors functions.

    • colors.h = Header for the colors.c file.

  • bin - Folder that contains the executable file (can be removed by using the make clean command).

  • obj - Folder that contains the obj. files (can be removed by using the make clean command).

  • Makefile - File for GNU Make. Simply use the command make to compile the code.