I am transferring all my code from my old directory SendForHelp_ReactNative
since I want a fresh start with UIKitten. Plus, I want to use their template, since I have more confidence in their choices, versus mine. Also, I am concerned that some hidden values may be present, when I uploaded it to the Google Play Store, so I want to start from scratch before uploading the new version with the new name (Bystander, instead of Send For Help
). I am now transferring all my old screens, services, models, stores, and configurations from my old directory to this one, which will be the primary.
Navigate inside the /Bystander
directory and open two terminal windows.
npm install
(for new installations)
npx react-native start
npx react-native run-android
- Make sure phone is connected and
File Transfer over USB
is enabled. - If running on emululator and want location to work, need to allow permissions for the app in the emulator App Settings (Allow all the time/Allow only when using app).
- If app is starting and quickly closing, it might be
import com.facebook.react.BuildConfig;
in theMainApplication.java
file. I need the file there for creating APKs to, but it causes issues when it's there during local device debugging.
- Track Hero location and update in real time (watch position). Indicate distance and time to arrival of responder to requester.
- Save favorite locations (Home/Work) with information (door code, floor, special instructions, etc).
- Save emergency contacts and call/email/text if emergency is underway. (How to know this user has emergency?)
- Display address of emergency (reverse geocoding based on lat/long. Use Google's Geocoding API )
- Users within a 20 meter radius have push notification / popup on their (even locked) phone screens, requester scans the code for the victim which alerts his emergency contacts and display allergies and other important information (medical preferences, medical contacts, relevant health issues).
- Create audio/text/video communications channel for all relevant parties (all responding Heroes) to an event, so they can coordinate. PushToTalk walkie/talkie feature?
- Auto-engage audio and video recordings from requesters phone, for use by police (potential legal/privacy issues).
- Responders need to upload certifications and be verified by admins.
- Three tiers of rescuers? Basic (Non-licensed citizens who have basic First Aid skills). Level 2 Rescuer (EMT, nurses) and Advanced Rescuer (Doctors, Paramedics). - Show level of rescuer responding so that Advanced rescuer will join if only Basic Rescuer were answering.
- Option for rescuer to indicate that they need more/more advanced rescuers or rescuers with specific equipment to assist.
- Indicate if rescuers have equipment matching the emergency? (TQ or pressure bandage for hemmoraging. Defibrilator for heart attack).
- Easy to follow animations on screen for bystanders for CPR/ bleeding prevention, etc.
- Wider alert range in suburban/rural areas. Smaller range in urban areas. Increase range if no rescuers found.
- The first firstResponder is in charge of the scene. Need to determine who that is (first to accept request or first on scene?). Save that user for legal purposes. (Can just keep PrimaryResponder as first in the array instead of making a special attribute, probably.)
- Level 2 or Advanced Heroes become in charge of emergency if they come to a scene with only a Basic Rescuer.
- Auto Video and voice capture?
- Override DO NOT DISTURB mode on Heroes phones' for emergency alert and on Bystanders' phone for follow up alerts.
- Set times when Heroes are available or when they are not, and should not receive alerts.
- Tipping Heroes after rescue (victim and bystanders). Hero can choose to send tip to charity instead of taking the tip.
- Insurance for Heroes. Offer it as an upgradeable option?
- Map point clustering. GoodSAM doesn't use clustering, which makes their maps really busy when there are multiple locations in one area. Cluster points would show a number on the head, unclustering when zooming closer.
- AR tracking to defib
- PRIORITY: Need to figure out how to prevent Push Notifications to users who opt out and how to persist that choice across app refresh or kill. Also, vibration is not working now (probably due to channels issue)
- DONE Upgrade to v6 of React Navigation.
- DONE Check all packages and upgrade if needed.
- DONE Install UI Kitten. Design and create layout (including nav. hamburger menu + sliding sidebar menu?), theme, color palette, etc.
- DONE Comment out Details page.
- In order to prevent Android from hibernating the app, when unused for long periods of time, make he app an active device admin app. (https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby#understand_app_standby)
- Rewrite notifications service.
- Ensure event persistence. If a user kills the app, or the app crashes, during an event, it must return to the correct state after opening it up again.
- Work on user flow. (Users coming from clicking on notification. Heroes who are also Bystanders. Auto dial 911?)
- Need to figure out way to determine if several calls for help in nearby vicinity are the same emergency. Timing + vicinity + prompt the user?
- Handle if users don't turn on (or turn off) GPS during call event.
- Create
collection to track user's devices. Store FCM token, since they are unique. One-to-many relationship withusers
collection. Allows notifications to be sent to specific users, if needed (primarily needed for peer-to-peer direct messaging) - Rebuild the emergency event handling logic (HomeScreen), especially GPS capture.
- Rewrite how Stores work by implementing a StoreProvider instead of using Singletons.
- Use MapBox Directions API instead of GoogleMaps.
- Use Mapbox Maps instead of GoogleMaps
- Apply for Google Cloud Startup and Google Crisis Responders status, to get free Google Cloud credits (get much more if recommended by an incubator or VC)
- Remove temp reverse geocode library (geocodes. only got nearest intersection) and replace with reverse geocode from Mapbox.
- Check TODO Tree for comments to self.
- DONE - Need to open MongoDB, Google Developers Console, Authentication, etc, to all IPs, not just my local IP.
- How to compile TS to JS for server, before deploying?
- Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable for the backend firebase-admin API key. Don't store the key in the codebase.
- Need to create an API key for backend requests (Authorization Headers/ JWT)
- DONE - Deploy backend to AWS EC2 or Kubernetes (need Docker for Kubernetes).
- Add SSL/TLS.
- Make sure that hardcoded IDs are replaced with real user IDs.
- DONE - Google Developers Console Credentials page. Need to add authorized origins and redirect URLs from the server (currently only allowing from localhost).
- Currently using the
wildcard DNS server to allow redirects during OAuth authentication. Need to replace that with my actual domain name, when I purchase it via AWS Route 53 and add an A Record. - CI/DC for deployments to PlayStore and EC2.
- Restrict Google API key to on ly this package/app (Bystander) after publishing it to the Google Play Store.
- Monthly subscription to use app. Free first month, or reduced for new members/early adopters
- Charge insurance.
- Partner with life insurance companies.
- Integrate with private ambulance company APIs. Send them automated calls upon alert and charge per call.
- Corporate training sessions on safety (this actually can make a lot of money)
- Sell swag.
- Donations.
- Corporate sponsors.
- Admin board for companies / apartment building / office buildings. Manage employees information, health issues, exact location (which floor, access codes), coordination with building security, etc. Company can buy and gift swipes to employees (unlimited emergency swipes) as perks.
- Subscription for storing extra medical info (allergies, pre-existing medical conditions)
- Crowd funding (everyone in immediate vicinity of emergency prompted to donate small amount).
- Pay for swipe (controversial). Ability to offload your payment to victim by scanning their QR code so that people aren't hesitant to swipe due to being charged.
- Heroes cannot be paid, since that would prevent the Good Samaritan Law defense in the case of lawsuit, however, perhaps we can allow a second class of Hero; official company contracter, a la United Hatzalah. These Heroes would be equipped by the company with livesaving equipment (again, like United Hatzalah), might be paid a salary/tips/bonus for calls, etc. These Heroes would only be accessible to people paying for that rescue tier.