
A personal updated and noted version of the CWBF Checklist of Birds of Taiwan published annually by the Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF). Original credits goes to the honorable members of the Bird Record Committee, Chinese Wild Bird Federation.


A personal updated and noted version of the CWBF Checklist of Birds of Taiwan published annually by the Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF). Original credits goes to the honorable members of the Bird Record Committee, Chinese Wild Bird Federation.

Latest version: 2019年台灣鳥類名錄

Latest version follows the 2019年中華民國野鳥學會鳥類紀錄委員會報告.

About the sheet: "2019_list_for_bbstaiwan"

A further modified list with additional species (or taxa, including non Aves)and also customized categories of migratory status, maintained and used for the Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey project.