
This repository provides the code and data for the paper titled "Navigating Model Learning Dynamics: Insights from Augmented Data Integration and Strong Regularization using SynerGNet in Biomedical Prediction"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository records all the models utilized in the paper, including

  • Baseline model
  • SAGEConv-configured GNN model
  • GATv2Conv-configured GNN model
  • GINConv-configured GNN model
  • TransformerConv-configured GNN model
  • GENConv-configured GNN model (SynerGNet)


  1. pytorch 1.10.0
  2. torch_geometric 2.0.2
  3. numpy 1.19.2
  4. sklearn 0.23.2
  5. pandas 1.1.3
  6. CUDA 11.1
  7. Matplotlib 3.5.1

Trained models

The trained models for different configurations are recorded in ./Trained_models/directory.

To run the models with your data

Prepare your data:

  1. Prepare a .csv file containing synergy instances, following the format exemplified in ./Example_data/drugcombs_synergy_data.csv.
  2. Transform your graph data into the .h5 format. Refer to the examples of the .h5 files located in ./Dataset/DrugCombDB/h5py_synergy_data/ for guidance.

Code execution

Run python Train.py synergy_file_path h5py_dir_path model_name

synergy_file_path represents the file path to the .csv file containing synergy instances.

h5py_dir_path denotes the directory path where the .h5 format graphs are stored.

model_name specifies the model that you want to run. The available options are Baseline_model, SAGEConv, GATv2Conv, GINConv, TransformerConv, and GENConv.

Results reproduction

./Results_reproduction/ directory offers the reproduction of the results (figures) presented in the paper.


GENConv-configured GNN model was ultimately selected as the final model, designated as SynerGNet.

For further details on SynerGNet and instructions on its usage, please refer to https://github.com/MengLiu90/SynerGNet.

Synergy Datasets used in this paper

Two synergy datasets were utilized in this study:

  1. Original synergy dataset

    The synergy data from AZ-DREAM challenge (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4231880/wiki/)

  2. Augmented synergy dataset

    Augmented synergy data generated from the AZ-DREAM challenge synergy data. The complete augmented data can be accessed through https://osf.io/kd9e7/.