
Compressing PDF file to less pages and smaller size. Help you use free version ChatPDF

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Compress PDF file's pages and size.


A light-weight tool to compress PDF file's pages and size. The compressing loses origin file's format, only the text information is saved in the compressed result.

With default font size 10, the compressing effect looks like:

$ python main.py -i input.pdf
File size (KB):         15114.015----> 45.828
Page count:             23 --------> 15

By setting the font size smaller to 5:

$ python main.py -i input.pdf -f 5
File size (KB):         15114.015----> 31.638
Page count:             23 --------> 4

Below is a glance of the process, from left to right: origin file -> compressed file -> compressed file with font size 5.


In Python 3.X envrionment, install reqirements by pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Clone the repository, put PDF file(s) to ./files folder. python main.py -h to check arguments' meanings.
  2. One typical usage command is:
    python main.py -i input.pdf
  3. The output file is saved to ./files folder with name ending _compressed.pdf

Below lists all arguments meaning:

'-b', '--base-path', default='./files', type=str, help='Base path to the PDF files for processing'
'-i', '--input-files', required=True, nargs='+', help="Input PDF files name(s), add space between two files"
'-f', '--font-size', default=10, help="Font size of the output PDF"


  • Open an issue if you meet problem, considering star the project if it helps. Thanks for your contributions!